Quarrelin' Hardy

Honestly, one quick search on Twitter will show hundreds of people saying shitty things to each other over it, regardless of where they stand on it. I find it best to stay out of it.

Um, no?

I actually agree. The problem was people were mad about the wrong things. Rather than harassing indie devs about relationship drama, maybe people should have been upset that the Gawker media network makes the National Inquirer look like Woodward and Bernstein in comparison.

Does he team up with Arcade? Fox has the rights to him too, right?

Doxxor Doom.

Quick, get it on Kickstarter pronto. You'll be funded in a day.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you. While for whatever reason I still vote in them despite it being entirely futile, I haven't actually watched the shows in years.

I saw the Real Ghostbusters cartoon before I ever saw any of the movies as a kid, and Winston was my favorite of the leads on that show. Imagine my disappointment when I first saw the live action movie and he didn't show up until halfway through. It's probably why I actually like the second movie more growing up -

Got to have enough GOTY's! Every game needs to be able to release their GOTY edition the following year!

Please tell me they'll have a viewers' choice award like Spike's VGAs! I can't wait to pick my personal game of the year from a list of 5 games that aren't out yet!

Wasn't Jared Leto supposed to be Dr. Strange not too long ago? I give it a week before the Benedict Cumberbatch as Joker CONFIRMED!!! rumors start.

I fully intend on playing more Bayonetta 2 whenever I get a chance this weekend. I really like the Tag Climax mode, since it helps you earn cash for upgrades so quickly. One of my biggest issues with the first game was that I finished the whole thing and could barely afford to purchase any of the extra costumes &

I agree. Not much in pop culture offends me but this takes the cake.

Colbert essentially announced the end of a nation. The USA had a great run. Never forget.

That scene legitimately gave me nightmares after, and has stuck with me until this day. Great pick!

I would give the combat a pass if it didn't have sections of the game that required it, such as boss battles. As it does force you to fight here and there, I do think it's a legitimate issue with the game. However, I definitely agree about the thematic elements of the game, and growing up as an excessively shy child

It's a PS2 game where you play as a young British schoolgirl stuck on a zeppelin with a secret society of evil little girls that humiliate you every chance they get. It's very similar to Haunting Ground and Clock Tower, but with a classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale style. It's got an amazing atmosphere, beautiful

I agree! Silent Hill 2 is my personal favorite game soundtrack of all time. There's so much great stuff in there.

Eh, I don't buy it.

That's a good one! I'm very partial to Betrayal, which plays during the final confrontation with the two Red Pyramids. It's a simple, very melancholy theme that makes the conflict feel sad and inevitable rather than a triumphant battle.