Quarrelin' Hardy

Rule of Rose had such great music. I have a preorder soundtrack laying around and the songs on it are incredible. Definitely was the highpoint of that game, and good to see it get a spot on the list!

I have Rob Van Dam and Bill Alphonso autographs laying around somewhere from their ECW days. RVD was an… interesting dude. He was probably stoned when I met him.

One of my prized posessions is a copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 signed by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird when I met them as a kid at Boston Comic Con. It's framed and hanging on my wall.

In my case, I don't like super hero costumes that looks like regular clothes that you can buy at a store. I find it boring.

Honestly, I like ludicrous impracticality. It's comics, it's fantasy. If you can't be impractical in cartoons, where can you be?

I agree. Overall, I think the costume is good, but I hate the laced boots. I hate that look on superheroes, regardless of gender.

Batman: The Animated Series and MST3K as a teenager, TMNT and The Real Ghostbusters as a kid.

An assassin killing people by flying them away on weather balloons? Are they sure it wasn't Big Boss collecting staff for Mother Base with the Fulton Recovery System?

The other upside is all the interesting fun people will still be on Earth!

As someone who has been the victim of stalking, I don't think the idea of a story about it is necessarily bad, but execution is everything. Sounds like they botched the important stuff.

It did have that hilarious "Wind Beneath My Ring" musical number though, I'll give it that.

I mentioned this in another comment, but I think the big part of the problem is that a lot of those guys got to feel out and create their own characters, which they got to put their own personality into, and it worked. The WWE's writers almost never come up with good characters. Remember, Steve Austin and The Rock had

Raw needs to be cut back from 3 hours too. They're spreading the show too thin.

It made sense when he was still doing the rap star gimmick, but they kept it around way too long.

When Barry Horowitz finally won a match was one of the few bright spots of Early 90's WWF.

Remember when Big Boss Man interrupted the Big Show's Dad's funeral and dragged him and his Dad's coffin through the graveyard? The Attitude Era sure had some dumb times.

As much as I enjoyed the Attitude Era, I'm a little glad it's over. A lot of guys from that time have died way too young, and it had the negative side effect of convincing a bunch of indie wrestlers that in order to get themselves noticed, they needed to do shit like cut each other up with broken glass and take

Does Max Moon count?

I loved ECW. Not necessarily for the extreme violence aspect, but more for the fact that they gave guys who were overlooked a fair shot. They were really good at giving great wrestlers lots of time to show their stuff, and were also excellent had hiding the faults of some of their lesser talented guys, who still had

That match is so special simply because the fans told them both exactly what they thought of them, both Brock and Goldberg clearly had no idea how to deal with it, and Steve Austin got the best reaction for just stunning everyone involved. You don't see that kind of thing anywhere else.