
This looks great! Usually when something like this gets announced, the comments section devolves into ‘ugh I’m SO over pixel art’, but I personally love it. And it makes me wonder - are the haters just a vocal minority? I’d love to see a poll on people who hate pixel art vs those who love it and see what the real

I find it interesting that you guys discuss the toxic thing that Twitter has become, how it has changed, how harmful it is now, and you want to delete your old tweets etc, but never was there even a suggestion of just coming off it. Just leaving Twitter.

I absolutely loved this move when it first came out. I was just starting university and was a wiry awkward young man still finding my place in the world, and I identified with Maguire’s take on Peter/Spidey so much. Also, I’m not sure we as audiences had seen sequences like those ‘swinging through New York’ shots

FINALLY I get to play as grizzled straight white man who runs around shooting people!

Those were pretty much my thoughts at first, and then I read the other examples lower down the article, and it just becomes such blatant plagarism, the IGN guy isn’t even really trying to hide it.

what’s a dj khaled

That scene has always bugged the hell out of me!! It’s such a weird cut. In the end I had to assume Joker stabbed the guy in the heart or something, and it got edited down for the film’s rating (maybe?).

I don’t care if Naughty Dog insist Nathan Drake was based on Johnny Knoxville, this short surely proves that Drake was based on Nathan Fillion all along (just as I and probably everyone else always suspected), because Hot Diggity Damn, Fillion is PERFECT here. Just the absolute perfect Nathan Drake. This short is just

I can’t decide what’s worse; his homophobic slur or his pathetic mental-gymnastics to try and worm his way out of taking responsibility for his actions.

I know some people aren’t feeling these new faces, but having recently watched an RE:2 (PS1) speedrun - the new faces actually resemble the avatars of the characters on the original menu screen

I work in animation and goddamn do I appreciate the amount of work that went into this commercial!

This is the first time I can ever recall seeing people defending a movie they love be so vitriolic. Sure, there’s the toxic SW fanbase who hate the movie because women, or something, but they seem to be a small (if loud) group. Most of the people who didn’t like the movie just plain didn’t like it - clunky writing,

At the beginning of this console generation, Microsoft started on the wrong foot due to a bunch of anti-consumer policies they announced. All Sony had to do was sit back, let MS make mistakes (that Sony were almost certainly going to do too if they’d gauged they could get away with it) and point out MS’s flaws when

Here’s the thing: Hanging someone, stabbing someone, slitting throats - they’re all examples of extreme violence. But you know what else is? Shooting people in the fucking face; that thing which practically everyone is doing in almost every video game, every day.

Does this mean the actress Daisy Ridley was a sign sent to us from Sakurai?

I’m actually super annoyed by this. That yoshi game is one of my most anticipated games for the Switch, and was really hoping to hear more about it today...

I think it’s safe to say the trailer for FF7 at E3 2015 was an FMV made just for that show, and they mostly likely hadn’t even started making the actual game yet - but you’re right; three years later they should have something!

My friend is a designer and made this cool Bloodborne shirt (he’d kill me if I missed an opportunity to plug):

“Walmart has spoiled yet another video game announcement”

Oh man. *That* log entry....