
Baba Is You:

The old ‘If you have to ask then you’ll never know’ adage; the last bastion for people who don’t know what they’re talking about but don’t want to have to provide any evidence or proof of their claims, because doing so would reveal that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

sure ;)

I direct you back to “tepid, reheated take”.

I direct you back to “tepid, reheated take”.

This ‘Ugh how can anyone still like Avatar?’ tepid, reheated take is pretty played-out at this point.

Genuine question to those folks who’ve played the game: Is it the FO4 asset flip that many were accusing it of? Or is there enough original content in 76 to dispel that?

‘Hangry Mode’

Thanks for posting this, Ethan. I was torn between PS4 and Switch versions, and now it’s a no-brainer!

Utterly stunning work. And a style I’ve not really seen before too, which is is always great to see.

is this getting a release on U.K Netflix too?

Might be one for just brits, but I always read the name of the football manager Ole Gunnar Solskjær, follwed by ‘Turtle Power!’

I thought she was godawful on Discovery, and that’s the first time I’d ever seen her. “I am uninsultable.” Please. No, you’re not. Anyone can insult you all day long and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. You have to earn ‘Cool and Sassy’, not just show up and act like a douche but it’s okay because... why

I can see the reasoning behind this point.

Oh, we all know the Sacred Chalice of Z is just an old clay pot with mold growing inside it.

Yeah that one got me too. No-one ‘lets’ Nintendo have Donkey Kong. They invented the character and the IP and own it outright across all titles. You’d sure as shit better believe the rights to DKC went to them after they split with Rare.

ugh - that should have been UNnecessarily snarky

Yeah, the “ageing” descriptor felt necessarily snarky, which I’ve come to expect from the other gawker blogs but thought Plunkett was better than that, frankly. I mean, at this point, Iron Maiden are legends.

Can I just say - this is a really well-written article. Thank you, Joshua. You use great language to express your points, and it contains none of the snark or outright anger that has seeped into the Gawker blogs recently (Kotaku included). Bravo, Sir.

Holy CRAP that looks incredible! This needs to be a real series, like STAT!