
“Who cares about ARMS in 2020?”

And because Americans fucking LOVE a huckster. Snake oil, lifestyle brands, Oprah, Goop, all that shit. Americans are a people who yearn to breath free and be sold on bullshit.

They could’ve not made that any more boring. This was not for public/consumer consumption.

Deflect deflect deflect, Mr. Industry Expert. 

Nah this is all about money printing. There is no other reason to chop it up like this. People are acting like the original FF7 is bigger than it actually is. Folks we’re in the era of behemoths like Assassins Creed Odyssey; if SE wanted to remake the entirety of FF7 in one shot they could have.

....but RE2 remake is the whole game. That’s why no one is complaining.

People would absolutely complain if Capcom released Re2 Remake--Part 1.

Sorry, so your defense of this approach to people who don’t like that itsy being stretched out and chopped up is “something horrible will probably happen to you by the time all of the parts are out so you should buy them as they come out?” this comment is insane and I'm trying to figure out what on Earth you're

not only that, but replacements for your old horizons too

The majority of us absolutely do need flashy logos. 

Hey folks! Please use the comments to talk about the games you like and the ones you wish got more attention this decade!

Please do not use them to shit on other people’s suggestions or to bitch about the list. Kay, thanks!

you know? it would be really cool if the game detects a save file for RE2 and modifies the shared locations to keep it consistent (like weapons present/missing, more or less ammo, and areas with the same damage Mr. X did to your path, and so on).

You don’t know me.

During my last annual playthrough of Earthbound, I found myself overcome during the end credits thinking of Iwata. The man saved a game that came to me in a very difficult time of my life (my family was homeless and living out of a room). Earthbound’s weird atmosphere and touching story captivated my imagination, and

Lady Gaga is one of the most accomplished musicians of all time.

I can’t get excited about it because it just seems like the idea a 5 year old came up with. Conceptually the idea is just “Make big. Make stronk.”

Super Mario 3D world was fantastic, it has the best Bowser fight in any Mario game IMO

Dude, all this angular design and usage of sharp edges and points, combined with scrumptious brushwork and some of the most striking use of contrast (both saturation AND brightness value) I’ve ever seen... goodness, where can I go to like inject this into my soul

Kid Icarus Uprising is an excellent example.

Put it in “H”!

This is for people who speak zero Japanese. Be nice.