This is my favourite ever FINE ART entry. Love the style!
This is my favourite ever FINE ART entry. Love the style!
I’m, going to be a bit controversial here and say I felt a little bit let down by certain aspects of this game, compared to previous mainline Mario titles (Mario and overall Nintendo fan since the NES here).
“Gawker sites seem to only be building a name for themselves more and more by being contrarian”
Sounds to me like Hank Azaria is trying to engage in the discussion sensibly, which he actually also did before the Simpsons aired their unhelpful response to the Apu issue, so just slapping a ‘woke’ label on him for it comes across as quite eye-rolly-for-cool-points, like how a teenager would respond.
Mike, we love you. Get well soon. We’re all thinking of you.
You’ve basically summarized my exact feelings on this, thank you. And I say this as someone who is a minority that is mostly marginalised in society.
I think FFXV is games-as-a-service-y in it’s own special case, because A) yeah that’s how the wind is blowing with the big companies these days, but also B) because it’s so obvious they’ve continued to sell pieces of it (whether you want to argue that they should originally have been in the base game or not) as a way…
Great video, Chris. Can’t wait to see more of these!
As nice a guy as Flynn sounds, there is definitely a generous helping of ‘towing the company line’ to his responses. Sure, he may not answer directly to E.A anymore, or for the time being, but he’s certainly smoothing over some huge cracks and defending them against some pretty conclusive arguments of their horrible…
Gita, you’ve done it.
I’d never read Calvin and Hobbes before clicking on this article. I’ve of course heard how great the comic strip is and so I clicked on it to see for myself.
Two thoughts:
I’m with you on usually steering away from motion controls but Skyward Sword’s were very precise, thanks largely to the (then) advent of Motion+. SS has a lot of problems in and of itself, but actually, somehow, motion controls are not one of them.
Good to hear Luke talking, he should join the podcast more often
I see so many comments along the lines of ‘It will be fun for a few minutes/hours and then it’s over with.”
Nintendo have really out-Nintendoed themselves here
I’m genuinely curious as to what Nintendo’s motivating factors were when they decided to make the Switch, because a lot of people are praising its portability and ‘pick up and go’ qualities (and rightly so), and this seems especially perfect for those generations who grew up with Nintendo consoles and are now adults…
Having read it, I’d say the Canadian aspect definitely plays into the larger narrative and the general feel of the manga. It doesn’t come across as an easy way out of a difficult issue, at all.
I read the manga and it was well-crafted, generally a great read. Looking forward to seeing how the adapt it.
My favourite thing about this is how you can see the ghosts of the previous drawings with each new one.