
Please someone make an “Incompetent Godfather” film

Thank you {DANALD} for completing our trial period of ‘Can Just Anyone Be President?’ However, at this time we are unable to extend your trial to full presidency of {AMAREKA}. Points raised during your trial include:
- Pathological Liar
- Warmonger
- Bigoted Coward
- Smells like Russia
Despite your self-assessed

I’ve really enjoyed the discussion that this article has produced, because it’s good that we should all be talking about this. Toxicity seems to be, for the most part, being kept in check too, which is nice for a change. We should be able to discuss these things back and forth without resorting to name-calling and

This was an awesome podcast, can’t wait to hear more from you guys :)

A millionaire televangelist exploiting people’s religious beliefs for his own profit, whilst denying aid to those in need?

I just hope this is the original version of Yoshi’s Island, not the GBA port they made where they gave Yoshi a ‘voice’. I found that so irritating every time he jumped. Much prefer the original snes noises he made based off ‘Super Mario World’ Yoshi. In fact, this is the sole reason I’ve kept my snes and Yoshi’s

Came here to make this exact same point.

This is EXACTLY what I thought of when I read your post!

I absolutely love Mario 3D World, it’s in my top 3 Mario games easily. I think a lot of people, for whatever reason, didn’t view it as a ‘core’ Mario game and lumped it in with the ‘New’ series without ever giving it a chance. It’s not 2D. It’s not 2.5D. It’s a fully fledged, beautifully realised 3D Mario game, and

My only real beef with MH has been how the maps are split up into sections. I’m not sure if they’re saying here that the maps will now be big open areas, or that they’re still segmented, just with no loading times now.

does anyone have an idea of how likely this collection is to make it to the west? Secret of Mana on my Switch would be awesome.

Asking Americans not to act entitled?

One thing I’d really like to see Nintendo improve is just the way they communicate with the public - fans or otherwise. So often they simply put up this impenetrable wall ie. “We will share more information in the future.” keeping us all guessing and feeling frustrated at a lack of information on what to expect in the

Did Brad Pitt have blonde curtains in the 90s? Could be him?

Here we see a wild Fahey, frolicking in his natural environment.

It’s entirely possible. We played with the blinds down so it wasn’t a sunlight issue, but it could just have been our set-up. Unfortunately there was no way to change that.

I played PSVR for a few days while staying with a friend, and we played a whole heap of games and demos and ‘experiences’. It was my first experience of VR. When it worked, it felt immersive and great fun, but I would say we spent more time re-aligning and re-adjusting the headset and the camera than we did actually

I didn’t know it was ‘shopped, so thank you.

They really, really haven’t. The Virtual Boy, Gamecube and Wii U were failures financially. The NES, SNES, N64, Wii, Gameboy, DS and 3DS were successes.

“Nintendo’s stubbornness when it comes to “secrecy” and “controlling their narrative” is so god-damned annoying sometimes. All it ever seems to do is paint them in a negative light, and rightly so.”