
Nope, they’re not dead. For instance, in the example of the man having the weight of the Batmobile upon him? Not at all- the Batmobile automatically detects the potential of living matter to enter the wheel space, and automatically adjusts the weight supported on that wheel to tolerable levels.

Rockets blowing up cars

No. I don’t want less happy news. I want to be happy for a few minutes .

Whyyyyyyy do all these trolls get ungreyed so easily today??? It’s the same on the Rose McGowan article! Is today “MRA troll appreciation day” on Jezebel or something?!

omg that’s it no more campaign coverage for fox. or anyone. no one has any more campaign privileges. also no more campaigns. also no more presidents. NO MORE ANYTHING. EVERYBODY OUT.

I saw it coming.

“beggars can afford homes from the money people give them” Citation needed.

Where’s the bit of the article that makes fun of Kit Harington for being short? Please quote it for me. Because as far as I can see, the entire thing is like “we’re trying to figure out how tall he is! Nowhere does the article imply that being a short man is a negative thing. In fact, the word “short” does not

Technically he is less of a man.

I’m pretty sure the majority of girls watching that show that are young enough to be impressionable don’t even know that is how she originally got famous. It really has nothing to do with her now, her family has their own thing. I’m not the biggest Kardashian fan but to bring it down to just that for negative affects


When my mother did her residency in the fifties, there were two women on her ward who both had breast cancer. One of them had come in as soon as she noted the lump. The other found the lump in September or October but “waited till after the holidays” to be treated because she didn’t want to “ruin the holidays” for her

Why can’t we treat each other like human beings?

I’m surprised at the number of responses that are basically “Eh, a couple of days wasn’t going to kill her, she totally deserved to get fired”. Really? Really?! Regardless of the time frame, who would wish to prolong that period of uncertainty and fear for their employee? And how well do they think that employee will

Wow. WOW. I don’t normally respond to this level of batshittery, but my nephew is a really well-adjusted kid with a strong grasp of his place in the world. Our wedding wasn’t All About Us, it was about our family and friends coming together, so we took their wants and needs into account. My nephew is a sweetheart and



Even small children often know when a punishment is a logical consequence. Some of my earliest memories are of going to my room, shaking with anger and fear, because I knew she was nuts. I was so afraid she’d drive me crazy. (And, I’m sad to say, she sort of succeeded.)

Back in the day I went to a lecture given by the wine expert at what was then the most prestigious art auction house in the world. This dude was used to auctioning wines that sold for millions, and he stood up in front of the crowd and said that vintage doesn’t matter, drink what you like, the rest is just markers of