
Yeah, a lot of late nights chatting, a lot of remembering past conversations, a lot of “this guy has to be real, no one would put this much effort into wooing me for a scam”, maybe even a few disagreements for reality’s sake. Probably dropping hints of struggling with money before asking so it doesn’t seem like it’s

Do it! I am the type that always gets interrupted or what I was going to say pre-empted, both intentionally and unintentionally, and people that recognize that and try to come back to me later make me so happy.

I feel like that changes the entire tone and purpose of that statement.

They say the people and cases are real. Important distinction!

I don’t understand why this is an issue, to be honest. It’s like saying America’s Next Top Model gives you a skewed impression of what trying to be a model actually is - of course it does! It’s TV!

Up until recently, the idea of a model being plus-size would’ve been dismissed with the same lack of thought - “of course they’re all thin, they’re models”. Fortunately for us society pushed back enough to extend the definition of model to women that previously would not have been seen as “model material”.

Maybe I’m just not picky on clothes but I honestly cannot tell the difference between that and jeans you might buy in a store.

I think she answered your question later in her post when she pointed out that feeling good about how you look is a confidence booster - thus the obvious implication is look your best to feel your best.

I already have an access fee listed on my AT&T bill. I think that’s the same as the one that they have on that page, so it ends up being cheaper anyway.

Whoa whoa whoa wait back up.

This makes sense in theory, but in practice - isn’t it illegal to serve people advertisements without marking them as advertisements?

Your username is very ironic!

What kind of weird logic is that? Your conclusion is “the things they’re offering for free aren’t valuable enough,” but you say “I don’t know what wi-fi is worth so I’m going to assume very low because they’re giving it out for free.” By that logic, no matter what they offer it won’t be valuable because they’re

When I saw it said “for work”, I think about how my job does things person-to-person. To my coworkers, I never email them unless it’s important - otherwise, I use our in-office IM system.

What coded language am I using? I’m giving you very specific points in which I find her untrustworthy to act according to what I believe is right.

I explained what I don’t trust about her. She voted for the wars in the Middle East. She’s publicly defended spying on the populace. She accepts millions of dollars in donations from major corporations. Those are 3 major points for why I don’t trust her. You’re acting as if I’m talking about feelies with no points to

I am not arguing the merits of the draft.

I don’t even know who that person is, I’m responding because you’re wrong. I don’t even 100% agree with her point. Your initial response is still wrong because none of those are linked to being forced to do them, like the draft. Signing up for the draft is “optional” in that paying taxes is “optional”. Being drafted

What do you think my views actually are?

So...the only thing the list is used for other than the draft is advertisement.