
“Hey, we know that looked like it was sloppy writing, but it’s only because we had to cut some bad writing that just couldn’t fit.”

It’s about ethics in Twitter journalism.

  • Kimmy: I’m never gonna get my high school diploma. I need Dong!
    Titus: Trust me, that’s not gonna solve all your problems.
    Kimmy: Dong is the name of the Vietnamese guy in my class. He’s good at math.
    Titus: That’s racist!
    Kimmy: But he is good at math.
    Titus: I don’t make the rules.

For what it’s worth I am married to a service member. He does everything he can for his guys and does not sit around and complain about how “useless” they are or were. Sure there are plenty of people who aren’t fit for military service but the way you frame it sounds so condescending. Also if they were already in your

Not playing is an option.

Joke? It’s just basic fact. Look at a map of U.S. presidential elections. The states with the most cows almost always go Republican. If all those cows voted Democratic we wouldn’t have such a problem.

Well as most cows are conservative, I don’t think it’s a major ideological blind spot at all.

OK I feel like I need to explain why I think 69 is great cause most people seem to disagree. So at first I agreed with most of you that it sucks, mostly because of the not really being able to concentrate fully on either giving or receiving. The trick I found is if you have your partner give you head first and bring

Goddamn his daughters have grown so much since he was elected...and he looks so old!

Given that the best gift she got in this campaign was the 11 hour Benghazi hearing (that she crushed, and I say this as a serious Bern patient), maybe she *should* have problems with the debate schedule.

See but even making it about price is being snobby. I don’t eat McDonald’s french fries simply because they are cheap. I eat them because they are delicious. Some people enjoy fast food. You do not. There is your answer. And yeah you made it about cultural snobbery by being like “WHY would californians eat it when

Yeah I get the idea that people aren’t “seriously asking” the question, they just want to get their food snob on. Congratulations, you hate Chipotle, here’s a medal of moral superiority. Just don’t couch in it “just asking” cause you know damn well why people like fast food.

Can we go one post about Chipotle without someone posting this EXACT comment?

There is some group that inserts crystals into their genitals to infuse them with energy. The female method is pretty straightforward. The male on the other hand...the crystal is slowly and carefully, through a process of stretching inserted into the penis.

Makes me want to say back to them, “hey you’ve been married for __ years now, when are you two going to have a threesome”?

I know I’m going to be in the minority, but I kinda like it...

Hold up just a fucking second here. Are you trying to imply that ingrained racism isn’t ‘solved’ by some white tech-bros with a pile of money? And that actually dumping piles of cash on entitled white-bros just makes white-bros more powerful?

I would agree with you. Just like any language, text speak has its own particulars that convey different meanings. I enjoy using some of the new shortened words. In particular I like “probs” and “profesh”

This is so interesting. I’m 29 and I grew up with AIM in its heyday. Writing in complete sentences with proper punctuation was always a sign that something was wrong—or more annoyingly, that there was a Point To Be Made.