
People like you make society suck.

Im going to share my one homeless person fast food story, and believe me this actually still makes me hurt.

This is 100% true. My mother attended a nursing program at this campus. They were forced to allow fellow students to perform pelvic exams on them, even the male nursing students got to examine their female classmates. It was allegedly voluntary, but it was clear that if you refused it would affect your grades.

Hi. I was the person who submitted that story. I mean, you’re not wrong that it would have been awesome of me to jump to the guy’s defense. I will mention (this detail was in my original submission, but C.A. Pinkman cut it — completely fairly, because I am always long-winded) that I was barely 18 and the guy getting

Wait, are you seriously suggesting that it’s wrong for customers to document it when service workers treat them horribly, because you routinely “fucking lose your shit” and treat customers horribly and you’re afraid someday you may face consequences for it? If your job is too much for you to handle without abusing and

I don’t suppose I could get you to highlight the utter dearth of female players in professional eSports until the situation changes, could I? I know, I know, the term “professional eSports” sounds like something you’d only mention in a suicide note, but, still, we’ve got a problem here, and no one at Kotaku seems to

Yes, it is an elective course. It may even be that the student in question was 100% up for it when she signed on. However, she has now been in that course (for what 9 weeks now?) and may have come to the realization that she is extremely uncomfortable with getting naked in front of her classmates/professor. Cameras

“part of it was watching porn and learning how to give a blowjob” What the fuck is going on????

If it was “stand naked in front of the class” I could maybe see it being some sort of legitimate performance art instructional thing (demonstrating that you’re comfortable enough with your own self that you can be totally vulnerable in front of a crowd is probably a thing that performance artists should be able to

The it’s in the syllabus so suck it up argument bothers me. Even if it is in the syllabus, is the nudity component so essential as to justify excluding any students not comfortable with it from taking the rest of the class?

I’m kinda glad about this because I had previously thought that animals were murdered just to be packed away in a tomb as some afterlife pets.

it looked like a cocktail weenie in a hay stack.

Even if an abortion is more traumatic than the procedure to transfer a fetus to an artificial womb, it still comes down to the woman’s decision. If she’d rather subject her body to the abortion than to the other procedure, that’s her choice. That’s what bodily autonomy means. You can’t force someone to undergo a

We noted that this was a handwritten suit, right? Cause yeah. For every Gideon v. Wainwright, there’s a hundred Driskell v. All The Damn Homos.

WHY would you take Japanese if you are Japanese? I don’t know what it is with all the confusion about white kids in Japanese classes. Yes, the anime nerds are annoying as hell (and warp university-entry numbers for those subjects) but you get rid of most of them as soon as they realize Japan isn’t all pink and cuddly.

I feel like no matter where you’re from, if you’re attending college you probably ought to know that Tokyo is not in China.

I had a person ask me once at a hotel in Colorado, how high do you have to be when the deer start turning into elk? My answer was “Really high.”

I never knew that so many people, not currently on mountains, are concerned about how high above sea level they are.

To garnish the martini. What do you think we are, Republicans?

No, you fucking can't get it done more safely with a notary. I've been reading this thread and people are trying to explain to you how it works in America and you won't fucking listen.