
This is probably the fourth-most-pedantic thing I’ve ever read on the Internet.

I seriously hope this guy is a super nerd and that the shirt is in reference to the gaming term “rape” (still not PC or cool in any sense) rather than the generally understood meaning. Still a dumb and offensive thing to do but it would give me a bit more hope for humanity.

WOAH is tipping at Sonic a thing?! Damn, I feel horrible now! I've only eaten there about three times (although I did hit up their drive through on my mother's birthday when I lived at home to get her those java shake things that she just loves) and it never once occurred to me to tip those rollerskating girls - I

Could it be because of how people like you generally regard "our region" as a veritable asssbackwards, uneducated, supremely uncool wasteland full of rubes, and how 35 states worth of people are routinely lumped together based solely on someone's limited purely anecdotal experience? Do you recall writing "sad middle

I could get behind an early hashtag campaign right now to let Disney know the people are open and would prefer a non-white Mulan. I think we could even handle a Chinese Mulan.

Also, this is rural Indian reservation poverty - imagine a 30 mile walk to a trading post, and all they have is convenience food. When the nearest real supermarket is 100 miles away off the rez, and you don't have a vehicle to get there, it's not so easy to eat right.

You apparently don't know what consent is in these kinds of circumstances (It's kind of like sexual consent, sure she can say "yes" and not fight you, but that doesn't mean it's valid, because it's done under threats and coercion, it's rape, no matter what), it's not a cozy thing with the prosecutor saying: hey, we

Choosing between prison and mutilation is NOT consent. If you think that it is I bet you also believe in "forcible rape" being the only kind of rape out there.

I am trying to pick an argument because I'm tired of people judging women who don't like giving bjs or who think bjs are gross. I'm so unbelievably sick of the judging. If someone doesn't like oral sex then that's their prerogative. Why the heck does everyone judge??

>Do you find any parts of American [or your country's] policies inhumane or wrong?

This reminds me of a time when I got a new guitar and I was showing it to my family who were visiting. My grandpa was like "I didn't know you played guitar!" and my mom was like "Oh, [boyfriend-at-the-time's name] is teaching her how to play!"

Must be bad if it makes you puke HTML

Right, so wouldn't be best solution to have a test that allows for diverse body types?

Visiting a place for a few days, weeks, or even months doesn't really give you the authority to speak for them, either. Traveling is a surface thing most of the time. You see some nice (and sometimes not-so-nice) sights, talk to some people, and of course, you're exposed to new ideas and you learn, but there's no

I was stuck in bed (up four flights of stairs) with a hip-to-ankle cast on my leg after dislocating my knee. The girl in the room next door went out for the afternoon and left her CD player on. Top volume. Just one song on repeat.

A few years back, 4am at the trashiest gay club in Chicago. Like they pump in copious amounts of what we called "shame mist" so your bad decisions were harder to see, and there were no doors on the bathrooms. I am drunk as a skunk. Somebody asks my guy friend if I'm some straight girl he brought with him. I yell, "I'm

In fairness, Tesla once fired a secretary for being too fat.

Oooh I have another really good idea for a cop/prom prank for a police officer!!!

1) Go undercover and infiltrate a high school as a student

oh Jesus Christ. this is a post about a fashion shoot that a young woman did. wrong place, wrong time.

Oh, sure.