
oh girls, you think the show called Zayn a terrorist? they called the WHOLE GROUP a terrorist supergroup. So you don't think the four white non muslim boys could possibly be accused of terrorism? Who's the bigger racist?

It's not exactly a binary between "I love the gays!!!!" and "burn the faggots!!!!", there were a lot of things she could have said that would have supported, or at least not gone against the party line without being completely rabidly homophobic.


This, but also, I call bullshit on the idea that the slow-fade is primarily a woman thing. Plenty of guys do exactly the same damn thing - in actual relationships, even! - and in that case, if the woman follows up asking WTF is going on, it's a sign that she's "needy" and "clingy" and can't take a hint.

Adding "disappointment management skills" to the list of things to teach my elementary-school-age sons, right after "keep your hands to yourself" and "no means no means NO, dammit"

How nice to see that "Crap Email From a Dude" has been reincarnated for the Tinder age.

That last one wasn't just aggravating, it was terrifying. Unmatch ladies, unmatch.

Any man that writes correspondence like this should be banned from the dating site.

I am two months single, and posts like this terrify me. Dating has changed a lot in the past four years... and it was not fun back then! *sigh*

These guys are all scary. They sound like the type to murder you when you ask for a divorce. I have two sons and if they ever treat a woman/man this way I'll consider myself a complete failure.

Can I be "not-male" without identifying as trans? Is there another gender continent I can move to where we all HAVE dicks but don't ACT like them?

Protip for all would be douchebags, assholes and racists out there: the First Amendment keeps the government from passing a law saying you can't voice your opinion. It doesn't mean individuals can't knock you on your ass for them.

Most American women are pathological narcissists.

He doesn't know anything about the South. If he did, he would know that it is mama not momma.

Yikes! On one hand, its very scary out there for women on online dating sites. On the other hand, I now understand why I get a date every time I even attempt to chat a girl up. The competition is CRAZY.

And these are the guys that can't believe they're single!

LOLOLOLOLOL!! OH, Buddy! You go right ahead and slap my Momma. It'll be the last damn thing you ever do. I'll even be nice and dial 9-1 while you're warming up.

"Slap your momma", eh? And as my momma used to say, it would be the last thing you did this side of the ground.

The thing is, I usually stop responding at the first sign of crazy. Don't let it get that far.

The guy on the last thread sounded legit insane. Was he drunk or something?