
lol i read 'real roses' and right away i was like 'well so do i but i don't see how this is relevant' and theeeen i kept reading

Everyone is talking about The Olive Garden because it is the perfect mix of fine and casual dining that makes you feel at home with its warm aesthetic and reasonable prices.

Why do you think that's more likely? I'm more on the 'never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity' side of this.

The fact that you sympathize with the customers in these stories is really all we need to know what dining with you must be like. We've all done dopey things and admitted that. But asking if the Coke is Dr. Peppery today is just silly. Also yes, if your Coke tastes funny tell someone politely and a server will fix

So all penises are actually God's penises. Are they physically on loan or are they only metaphysicially on loan? Like, do the true, platonic forms of these penises still exist somewhere outside of the cosmos while we're using them?

There have been an estimated 108 billion human beings born on the earth. If we assume a

Eh, it's a taste thing- my only objection to this is that everyone knows that the best ones are Diet Coke and *regular* Pepsi. BUT. As an erstwhile Dairy Queen myself—what about when they demanded that you "make it look like the picture"? I was no slouch at the soft serve, but I remember going through like four cones

This is not a weird thing to be turned on by. This would turn on anyone including dead people and Mitt Romney.

Is he good? Listen dude,

You're skipping the whole "the Statue of Liberty is a Weeping Angel that somehow walked around New York without a single person seeing it" part of that story.

What do you want, free Southwest flights for life? Hasn't this poor woman suffered enough?

I would have been OK with a response along the lines of "eh, it's nobody's business" if the LW had said she didn't want to tell her family but wondered if she ought to. But the LW wanted to come out, and Prudie advised against it.

How do you feel about humoring the weird threats by people demanding the sign be put back? The baseless demands of people who don't even live there? The company's belief seemed to be about being nice. The beliefs of everybody "protesting" seems to be about Islam, for the most part.

"Kosher Jews" made it sound like these were Jewish people that it was okay for Jewish cannibals to eat. LOL

I think I must be the only person in the world that isn't bothered by people taking and posting selfies.
Don't know what the problem is.

I know you don't want to "BELIEVE" but someone is TELLING YOU THEIR REAL-LIFE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

You say you "have a hard time believing" and you "imagine" - but, you don't know. Stop imagining and go find out, before you run your yap.

It's because the situation couldn't have been solved with a taser, baton, choke-hold, or bullets, and so the cops were left completely baffled.

My friend and I walked to daycare from kindergarten when we were 5 because we had half day kindergarten so my mature 7 year old sister wasn't there to help. There was only one hiccup all year - we stayed late to help clean the chalkboards and daycare lady didn't believe us so we had to sit in the naughty chair. Fuck

Shhh... sweetie. Shhh. You're embarrassing yourself.

Oh God, solidarity sister. The concept of "no croutons, no cheese" on salads has tripped up many a server during my travels.