
It's often considered offensive to use the language of mental illness to casually describe a normal mental state, as it makes it more difficult for people with that actual mental illness to talk about it and be understood. For example, people who suffer from OCD are often reluctant to come forward for fear of people

Presumably because she hired her and it's a 5 person office. In my team with over a dozen people that I've been with for six months I'm already aware of most of the member's home situations - whether they have children or not, whether they're married or not, just based on casual conversation.

I thought it was some kind of twee Pinterest thing, because those people strike me as the type - "we're so faux-poor/retro, we can make do with what we already have!"

I do the same thing - I post positive experiences on Yelp because I figure most people only go to review when they're mad. I also try to post "meh" reviews for the same reason, because if something was "fine" most people will just ignore reviewing it. I almost never post negative reviews because who wants to be that

One restaurant making their entire shtick about screwing up Yelp reviews and getting good PR for it does not equate to "Yelp only has power if you let it". That doesn't negate the fact that when you're just a restaurant focusing on your food and not actively trying to make your Yelp reviews useless, they can make or

The real mystery here:

So you're a conspiracy theorist and a total dick.

"I didn't understand it, so I put it on my body for the rest of my life."

Yes, someone who wrote "HaaHaaHaa!!" just thinks Kelly's future career prospects will be "interesting". There's no mockery there at all, nope.

Your argument would have been about a billion times stronger if you had led with this, medical condition for medical condition, instead of leading with "everyone should get 6 extra weeks of vacation a year because new moms have to physically and emotionally recover from birth for 6 weeks sometimes".

I'm curious as to what you think journalism school is actually - an overview of everything the news might cover and the ability to understand all of it? Because that would be like....a decade of schooling if not more.

This is how women end up excluded from jobs.

Yeah, Kiera Knightly, the....least hot woman on the planet.

I mean not to be a prude but I agree. If this was a man masturbating on a bus, people would be up in arms.

As an ND alumna, there are weirdly a good chunk of Jezebel people who went to ND. At least, more than I would expect. At least 4-5, and Erin Gloria Ryan went there as well.

That's one of those things that I have to wonder about - you think you got away with it because nothing happened to you, but in reality maybe your parents saw it, were more worried about you getting help/figured you got your punishment, and left it alone?

When I was a stupid teenager, I was dating this much older guy that I met on the internet because as smart as I was I was still a stupid teenager. I met him through a video game and, because I hung out with him online a lot, told my mother that he was about 4 years younger than he was and graduated from my high

Okay okay hear me out.

I was sooo disappointed that they're twice as expensive as every other Oreo variety. :(

She sent personalized gifts to her fans by looking at their Tumblrs and doing things such as drawing pictures of them and paying off their student loans.