Wait, you seriously are saying "I read a book on the alphabet once" to defend yourself? Really?
Wait, you seriously are saying "I read a book on the alphabet once" to defend yourself? Really?
Well I'm glad a white woman straightened that black man out on what is and is not racism. If only we could always have white women with incredibly defensive ties to the organization they're defending tell us whether or not something is racist!
Jesus Christ. People like you are why people hear "sorority" and think "crazy cult that people way too old for college are still obsessed with in a creepy way".
It reminds me of the article where some party dude basically said "I'm willing to accept some risk for my partying. I'm willing to accept the risk that I might rape someone. Women need to accept the risk that they might be raped." Flabbergasted.
I tried that "just ignore me and let me do whatever I want!!!" thing as a kid. My mom said "okay, I'm going to Denny's, everyone but Pyrax can come!" and then I was sad and gave up on that.
The same thing I wrote on my Gaia profile in seventh grade - "Don't screw with me. I will beat you to the ground with my iron wit." I cringe to think of what older people thought of my "iron wit".
Sounds like the real life inspiration for the Friends episode when the guys hang out a lot with Richard and let slip that they think of him like a cool dad.
So I read through hundreds of comments about showering and then come to this, am really confused for a moment, and then suddenly realized "oh, there are other stories here."
I think this is Team Dog propaganda and in reality it was the cat's bed and the dog STOLE IT LIKE A JERK.
Mid-movie Gaston. I think part of the magic is feeling like you're in the movie, not like you're talking to all the characters after the action is already over.
1. This comment was from over 2 years ago.
It makes you nuts because you act like you are "unsure", when in reality you are quite sure of your opinion. Stand on your convictions, geez. You're not unsure at all. You think it's perfectly fine to have a company accused of mishandling rape and hiring rapists without proper background checks and verification…
Your question is like asking "What's the problem with telling you that you should really meditate for your stress instead of calling 911 when you get hit by a car?" Sure, meditating for stress might help in some other situations that have a little relevance to being hit by a car. But when you choose to focus on that…
So what you're saying is you, like every other woman in the first world, is well aware of these tips therefore the tips are not increasing your safety, but just giving the illusion of Uber trying to increase your safety while they continue to do jack shit about their rape problem?
Isn't the whole point of a police state, by definition, that the police are in charge? Traditionally it would be shown by people being arrested on flimsy/no grounds, but I would imagine it could also by shown by police ignoring the government and not arresting on things they don't feel like.
I have to wonder if 'sibling' is something a teacher pushed. When I was a kid, my teacher shoved the word 'elucidate' on us. She swore up and down that every high school teacher used it, we had to use it regularly, etc.
I marathoned the whole thing about a month ago and I am REALLY PISSED that she achieved her dream and now she's all "I'm gonna quit in 2 months to make a TV show!!!"
I misread "live" as the word with the long I...I thought you were saying "photo booth that I sit inside and film for you so you can upload" and I was like "PEOPLE DO THAT?!?!"
LOL I would crack up if a guy was like "you know I know this will make you annoyed and resentful with me but I'm going to choose it to propose to you!"
Then the point that you really had to contribute is irrelevant.