
So your solution is to force the people on either side of you to clamp their own legs shut, causing the same heat, sweat, and grossness for them? Because at least you got to be comfortable, you know? Because you're the only one in the world that sweats.

To be fair, seats are not meant to accommodate anybody. They're meant to shove as many people into as small a space as possible.

Idk why that word was used there but weeaboo is a person who's obsessed with a culture (usually Japanese culture) but only understands a very small slice of it (usually anime) and is really obnoxious about it. I've never heard it used outside of Japanese culture so not sure it fits here but there it is.

There are actually a lot less than most people expected, likely due to the same reason people looove dumb man/smart woman sitcoms - because it's comfortable and easy to say "yeah, men are dumb!" and let women do the work. The most misogynistic men I know subscribe so rigidly to gender roles that they include all the

Well as long as you don't read the site for the snark, then we better shut it all down. Just for you.

I don't think men are any more easily led than women. We're all constantly pressured from all sides to conform to societal expectations of gender and we're all more vulnerable as young people to give into those influences. It's just that the influences for young girls are different than young boys, not that the young

When you start realizing that only half of your analogy holds and it become completely nonsensical, then you might want to start rethinking it as what you're hinging your argument on. I could say "you know, some hangers are made out of plastic and some made out of metal, I know we're alive and the hangers aren't, but

People like you are the reason that I, a woman into more masculine activities like technology and video games, was terrified for years to wear skirts or admit I liked girly singers or anything that would single me out as "girly". Because people like you will immediately write me off, tell people that I'm not smart

I don't like the pop cover of Colors of the Wind because I can't do the bear roar during it.

I find it really weird how many ND students and alumni comment on this site.

If you're trying to decide whether or not a person you bullied would want your apology, it makes sense to ask people that were bullied. Asking a bunch of people who have never been bullied gets the out-of-touch responses in the longest thread so far - "I know I've never felt the fear, pain, and humiliation that can

I don't think you can really say "I was teased and had noses turned up at me, so I feel qualified to pass judgment on how people who were seriously bullied and failed by the system react as adults." There's a large rift between kids being meaner than they have to be (I know I and my friends were on occasion) and kids

If she actually did tweet publicly about how terrible the episode is on rape before it aired then she would be breaking confidentiality.

I always bring up the argument that even if I have a child, raise it and love it, and then that child grows ill and will die without an immediate donation of part of my liver, and I can afford it, have no extra complication risks, etc., I still am not legally obligated to give that child part of my body. So all these

What if you have to tame Epona??

I feel the same way. It made me happy in a weird little way to know that he was like me.

Wait, in what universe do insults have to be false??

Your compassionate interpretation is that the CEO was saying "how can we stop bullying? by selling normal anti-bully clothes!" In reality, his thought process is "how can we make more money? by making teens think buying our things will help them avoid bullying!" I'm sure he has no interest in taking stances or

I think he's just misguided - he assumes that when one girl tells another "nice sweater, is it made from your back hair?" the girl is saying that she thinks the sweater is ugly, when in reality she is just saying that she doesn't like the girl wearing it.

Well this comment looks very different from when I first read it.