
You're assuming that there were people in the class that didn't meet the gender binary, and that the teacher continues to give this assignment when there are. That's a pretty large assumption. If there were people that didn't identify with the gender binary in the class, then I would sympathize with them and think the

Because it wasn't a gender studies class. You could say that the assignment was divided along class lines - those that could not afford to live on campus or have internet had the easier time of it because it's unlikely they spend much time on social media anyway.

The backlash against this is interesting to me - in a class I took my last semester of college, one of the assignments was to not get on social media for 48 hours and then write about our experience. Did my teacher check our social media to make sure we weren't on it? No. Did it inconvenience people? Yes. Was it easy

"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Uh...the Bible does say literally not to resist an evil person. There's also the whole part where Jesus models love for us by not resisting the people that are unjustly putting him to death.

Yay! Feel free to dismiss my comment. :)

That is not ironic. #englishmajor

It's a thread where you share stories about hit on. It fits in fine. I assume you're upthread criticizing the woman who punched the men trying to assault her as well?

The people trying to connect the last bit with the rest crack me up. This is a piece called Ben Stein's Diary, him just writing his thoughts and experiences. It isn't symbolic or deep or anything. Just a creepy old man thinking about the things he loves best -creeping on young women and hating the president.

I thought it was sheep. You know, like sheep online following the mainstream opinion?

Your stories aren't even good, geez. You need some pizzazz to really get anyone's attention.

This is one of those things where my data-driven brain wants to drive my boyfriend crazy, asking him to write down every chore he does and compare it to every chore I do and make an objective statement. Because I know that perceptions are biased; if I'm used to doing more housework, it will feel normal, and if our

You can't just separate "information" from "a conversation" - when I was a teen, fairly recently, they separated me from my mother to give me information with the assumption that I may have questions that I wouldn't want to ask in front of her.

I know, but that's not the point. The point is those that hear words like those all the time see the word "pies", say the long i in their head, and get confused as to what it means. Other people would see the ies and recognize that it could sound like a long e instead because they don't have the pronunciation of pies

I think you might actually have an advantage, because the two don't sound the same - peace rhymes with lease, while pies rhymes with sighs, so people read it as a long I and don't see how it's just a misspelling of peace.

I refuse to watch this movie because there are commercials like...every 5 minutes for it. I'm so tired of it and I haven't even seen more than 30 seconds of it.

Apologies for not pulling the "I understand" from your previous comment; as a matter of fact, you didn't type that explicitly. But you did say in your initial comment said "that's not what a Barbie doll should ever be about, given the real target audience", which clearly says not what you think will happen, but what

Being disadvantaged in one area does not preclude you from having privilege in another. Being a woman does not mean that you're inherently more aware of LGBT issues, and it's clear that you are very unaware. Being unaware and comparing gay relationships to other "adult" themes is privilege.

Obviously you are not bright enough to have this conversation with. Good day!

We're talking about changing who you are. Saying you can tattoo your skin blue is like saying you can pretend to be straight regardless of how you feel - that only changes the appearance, not who you are. You're not changing your sexuality, you're covering it up.

Is there a reason you cannot change your skin tone at will to green, purple, blue? Are we not the masters of our own bodies?!