
It happened to me: I own one wooden cutting board and use it for everything and have never gotten sick

What about all the recalls where the e coli came from the plants, not from you handling meat? Isn't it unfair to not cut out every piece of meat that's not cooked hot enough to kill bacteria if you're going to cut out every vegetable that's not cooked hot enough to kill bacteria? When you say "you don't know they are

I know you're trying to get some "gotcha" moment, but there isn't one - using the word 'bitch' to mean someone cowardly as it's commonly used for men is sexist, but common enough that I personally wouldn't report something like that if I was in the military - but would back up anyone that did. Saying "I grudge fucked

Sexism isn't about "but the men saying sexist things are GOOD GUYS, so women can't be offended!", bro. It's about the effects of sexist speech on the environment around them. When the effect is to create an environment where women are continually insulted and rape jokes are common, it doesn't matter how they are as

What makes you think that might be the case? I think in most cases there's basically no way of telling so short of refusing to post all NSFW pictures just in case I don't see what Jez can do.

Had a one-on-one meeting for a class the other day, in which I had read about 100 pages of the 700 page book. The professor praised me for really gettingProust. I felt SO ASHAMED.

instructions unclear; stuck feedback in vagina.

No, you are an idiot, sorry. Not an idiota.

I wasn't aware we were speaking Latin. Sounds like English to me. Calling someone a dunce doesn't mean they're smart although it came from the name of a great philosopher. Gerrymandering is no longer making districts look like a salamander to re-elect Governor Gerry.

Over the summer when I was home my mom would put on the news before she left for work and I would, without fail, wake up to that show. For weeks I had no idea what it was, just every day people in ridiculous costumes and Wayne Brady.

I'm trying to figure out why I know it, since I got it as soon as it popped up but I have no idea where this knowledge came from. I have no knowledge about the city like you do, but I know the name.

You'd think the kind of people that would try to participate in those shows would be visual people.

An idiot is someone who lacks intelligence. Generally not encountering a name in the course of one's life does not imply that you lack intelligence, just that you haven't encountered the name. People who aren't educated in certain ways aren't idiots.

For? My school actually has a core curriculum for all students and even then you could easily go through all of it choosing classes in a way that doesn't expose you to the name if you weren't in a major where he would be in the main classes. Hell, I was a senior in a Catholic high school before I knew how to pronounce

I didn't say anything about his description.

It's a show spoken in English. I can't remember a time where I didn't know how to pronounce Achilles, to be fair, but I would be so sad if I pronounced something I've never seen before adhering to the rules of the English language and lost because it was a borrowed word from another language.

I feel like I would be uncomfortable with that if you take the picture first and ask if you can use it later; even if I say no I have no way of knowing whether you're a good person that will respect my wishes or a bad person who will proceed to do whatever they want anyway. I understand the urge to take a picture of a

It does. I believe I'm fairly uncommon in my control of my image and information about myself - I feel uncomfortable if people I don't want to know things know things as simple as the city I'm living in or the kind of job I hold. But it weighs heavily on me that my image may be preserved and shared without my consent

PeopleofWalmart is gross and often classist, unfortunately. :/ If we were going to organize and troll them, it would be much more effective to take unflattering or completely covered up photos of ourselves - or photos of animals or objects.

I don't know, even if they're not being creepy I don't really want my likeness on someone else's film without my consent. I am not your art project, street photographer. I am a human being, not a thing to be the backdrop for your shot.