
Even which quizzes are most popular is a valuable survey question that Buzzfeed is asking.

I don't know, there are plenty of games where the "answer" is obvious. Just because a game is easy. Gaming the quiz questions to get an answer you want is like intentionally choosing the choices in Catherine that will get you to the ending you want; they're all really obvious questions with obvious answers to whatever

I mean to be fair, the tricks shown to dogs involved treats. I'm pretty sure if I showed my cat a treat and then made it disappear he would be very interested in where it went and then would try to eat my fingers because they smell like the treat and are vaguely treat-colored.

Except that is very clearly not what she's saying, which is why it's likely that she misunderstood the saying. Every other part of her quotes is talking about how bad it is that he did this, talking about how much she doesn't approve, how his behavior is wrong. There is no turn of phrase that puts her "slap on the

But the point of the question is that the implication from her quote is that this is NOT what she meant at all. She says "Lucy isn't even 18. It's bad enough a man of his age is approaching her like this, never mind a movie star. I really take exception to this. I don't know this actor, at my age we don't keep up to

No, that's not what the phrase means at all. It's meant to describe a punishment that isn't a real punishment at all. A slap on the wrist is not a punishment; it's like when a celebrity does something illegal and gets 20 hours of community service while everyone else gets 6 months jail time for the same crime.

The specific game I was referring to was Perfect World, I don't even know if it's around anymore honestly - I quit when the cash shop got 1 dollar boxes that had a very low chance to drop a weapon better than anything you could get in the game. One of my friends literally spent $9,500 on buying boxes, part of them to

I'm curious at your statement on the "worth" of the heroes - how did you calculate that? Setting a fixed number on the worth of something is hard even for big companies with people who specialize in that kind of thing.

You hit the nail on the head - it's not really about what you're spending on it, but about how the game is designed to make you spend. Even if I'm stingy and watch my money carefully and am hyper-aware of where it goes when it comes to F2P games so I can have fun and not spend much money, I know there are people that

Uh...does she know what the phrase "a slap on the wrist" means?

Cat-inspired animals wearing glasses, displayed hanging from a pair of antlers you repurposed as a chandelier.

Yes! Not yet though. I'm looking forward to it!

Right now we're reading The Horrors of Oakendale Abbey, in the past we read The Romance of the Forest, Lark Rise to Candleford, Barford Abbey, and The Monk - we were also technically required to watch Downton Abbey as part of the class but there's very little actual content on it, since it's an English class. I picked

Are you at all worried that the people that end up in the class will be people that just like Miley Cyrus and have little interest in the actual coursework?

It's the execution of the resolution?

I'm really betting this is how she is in real life and this is why she's constantly getting people bitching at her. "You just told me the special is ribeye steak? No, I don't eat burned flesh like a barbarian." "I'll only go to your work barbecue if you refuse to grill any meat - the smell of meat culture is so

If meat is so great, why is almost every food commercial for it?

The Western Bacon Thickburger is amazing. Maybe my favorite fast food item I've ever eaten.

Judges are people too, you know.

Unpack your everything pizza of privilege!