PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

I lived on welfare for a full year as a kid. But, I escaped poverty and am now in the top 25% of income earners in Canada. I could tell you hard work and gusto got me there, but that would be a half-truth. Without the OSAP student loan system (government), I wouldn’t have qualified for a loan, as I had no credit and

I actually interpret the American news media as being exceptionally right-wing. You have Fox News on the right extremist fringe, then entities like CNN and most of the major news networks - with the exception of the regressive left MSNBC - are firmly in progressive conservative and moderate right territory. There’s no

Canadians generally don’t like Americans, and especially not the right wingers. The Democrats - the Sanders and Warrens notwithstanding - are generally perceived to be a progressive conservative party, which most of us find pretty agreeable, while the Republicans are viewed as fringe extremists similar to Golden Dawn

Water/Fairy is my bet.

No chance you could actually use jpeg screenshots for us mobile users?

I do a lot of work in the American south, especially within a 2-hour radius of Nashville (but also Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina, and most of the rust belt and into Wisconsin)... While there are definitely a lot of bible Trumper rednecks in, say, rural Tennessee, not everyone is like that. We can call

My family is Macedonian, descended from Macedonians that were beaten, stripped of their names, forced to drink castor oil and forcibly deprived of their language, churches and culture by Greek nationalists seeking to assimilate Macedonians into Greek society. Even to this day, the Greeks continue to deny these acts of

If he doesn’t respect the homeland that provides for him - economically and judicially - he is free to leave to a nation without the strong wages and equitable rights afforded to Canadians.

I voted for Mulcair. While the anthem is outdated and a relic of its time, it is still your duty as a Canadian to respect the flag that houses you.

Feel free to move to the US if you don’t want to respect our anthem and our nation.

I saw this movie on opening night (7:20 pm) at one of two Cineplex theatres in Mississauga (which has 1 million people in its boundaries). There were 25 people in attendance, including my party of 7. Only two of them were little kids. This movie is going to bomb hard.

Except in this movie, it’s not so much a “hero’s journey” so much as “some idiot that calls himself a hero because he can”.

Mighty No 9...? >:

“How dare these people use my pictures of people appropriating copyrighted material without permission without permission!”

They’re only reporting on it because Kelpek stole my fucking TAY article about Rapp’s harassment on Xenoblade X’s localization. The only reason these clowns know about Rapp is because of me.

To be fair though, David Hayter is not a very good voice actor. Like he’s the classic voice of Snake, and that growl is iconic and whatnot, but it’s not an objectively great performance by any means. Kurt Russel would have been a great choice.

Wow. Dude, you’re an asshole. These developers clearly put their HEART and SOUL into making an interactive art experience, and you’re shitting all over their attempt at immortalizing their dead son? You stupid fucking pleb, learn how to appreciate real art, not those shitty baby games like Catherine and Killer7. How

It was a mistake to try and bring reason and logic to the mainpage, Aik. They simply will not accept the reality that humans are fundamentally good, because they rarely leave the house. >:

So... Do you write any articles that AREN’T about your feelings of racial superiority?