PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

GU is significatly better than the originals. But it should have been one game, not stretched into 3.

GU is significatly better than the originals.


I coould care less about telling another human what to wear, but I find it facsinating that “father” is “baba” in Arabic (I think it’s Arabic?)... In Macedonian, Baba means grandmother. :P Interesting how two different nationalities that are relatively close together geographically can have an almost opposite meaning

Unless a character is deliberately designed to make commentary about *race*, a truly good character should be completely interchangeable with any ethnic origin.

I’m confused. The way I read the article, it sounds like the mother KNEW he had the gun and chose to do nothing about it. I’m going to assume that’s a writing error (or I’m reading it incorrectly), because that makes no damn sense to me. Gun culture in the United States is a disease - a teenager with a full life ahead

I wonder if John always had these views, or if he was lured into it over time. I haven’t paid any attention to his social media in 2 or 3 years, and even though he did occasionally wade into the political, nothing really struck me as particularly rightist or alarming. But given some of the things spotlighted in this

Sure would be nice if sites like Gawker’s would stop conflating the actions of bored teenagers looking to get a rise out of people with some “alt right movement”. Are there white nationalists and other scummy people out there? Yes. But the 13 year olds posting Harambe memes are not it. Do they say stupid, racist shit?

I just bought a new Blackberry last week. I tried to switch to Android, but the software is just shit. Good apps, but everything crashes constantly.

Drive was a phenomenal movie. I also get Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds confused a lot.

I can’t even imagine being so perpetually miserable as to see the world with such aggressive cynicism as yourself.

I know I’ve heard this reference before, but I have no clue what its source is. It’s right on the tip of my tongue.

The “bamboo ceiling”? Here’s some possible explanations for why it might exist:
1. Temporary foreign workers coming over to work in tech on temporary visas.
2. Asian population in America is not static; it has been steadily growing. Ergo, those in executive positions (who tend to be older) are more likely to be

You sure sound like a racist. Change the word “white” to “black” here and you legitimately sounds like a Klan member.

So wait a minute... The percentage of white people employed in tech sharply trails the percentage of white people in the typical population. The companies doing these hirings have explicitly and clearly laid out plans to attract more diverse people. What, exactly, is the fucking problem here? The majority is not

I got the original trilogy, with both the Special Edition and mostly unaltered Laserdisc versions, plus all kinds of bonus content, for $20CDN a couple of years ago. In what universe is a digital collection with just the inferior cuts, without physical media, where only 2 or 3 of the movies are any good, worth $69US?

I got the original trilogy, with both the Special Edition and mostly unaltered Laserdisc versions, plus all kinds of

Hardest in the series? I only fainted once, and that was with half my team dead before I started the Mimikyu fight. Did you never play Pokemon Yellow?

It’s really about ethics in games media.
>proceeds to write hateful shit on Twitter

I was hoping for Terminator 2 references. I got them.

Near Death is totally my jam, and I’d never ever heard of it til now.