PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Rich executive steals millions from his company, 51 months in jail. Poor layabout steals $5 package of chicken as his "third strike" crime, gets life in prison.

One of my all-time favourite videos.

"His opinion is different from mine? Better express my outrage by CLICKING THUMBS DOWN!!!1 That'll show him. *smug sense of self-satisfaction*"

Yep. I'm a hipster for not liking "trendy" NES-sounding music. Totally. What asshole shit you half-witted accounts out?

Way to not understand my argument at all.

I'll never understand the appeal of chiptunes... Old game music was awesome because it was sound engineerings creating awesome noises with the limited tech they had available. This chiptune shit, it's "hip" bleep-bloop noises now that are nowhere near as inventive or, well, GOOD as anything made for old consoles.

No, I disagree. Western games were significantly better this gen than last. For instance, of the 29 PS3 games I own, 24 are made in Canada, Australia, Europe or the US. In contrast, of the 27 PS2 game I own, 22 of those are Japanese. Western games have been fantastic this gen.

Japanese games (at least the majority for consoles and PC - the "high-end" stuff) kinda HAVE sucked though... The handheld stuff Japan has been putting out has been strong, and there are, of course, outstanding console games like MGS4 and Valkyria Chronicles, but overall, this generation marked a massive decline in

My $700 rig both runs most games on max settings AND runs all the industrial software I need for my job. You don't need to break the bank to have an amazing machine, you just need to know what you're building.

Well it's weird. It worked when I bought this Genesis Mega Pack thing, but every other time I've tried to buy stuff from there, it doesn't let me. Can't figure out what the missing variable is.

Still doesn't work. I've tried that before. My credit card is registered to a Canadian address, so it declines it every time.

Valid point.

Human baby, yes. Baby of another animal species, no. Too many humans.

Oh man... That Irem Arcade Hits bundle in that Enormous .EMU pack... I would kill a baby for it. D: Why is it only available to people in the US?! Ten gold schillings to the man or woman that can locate me one for download in Canada!

>"Why is the game designed to be temporary?"

Jezebel is one of many virtual havens for weak-minded, male-hating shut-ins who think insults and scare mongering are somehow superior to logic and reason in arguments. Stands to reason you'd feel right at home there.

>"This Tomb Raider Rap Is Pretty Damn Good"

I just... I love game glitches. :'D

Please go back to that Jezebel-shaped cave you crawled out of.

I still gotta give Planescape a play someday... So many games, so little time!