PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

I wasn't one of those kids. I had a Super Gameboy. The GB audio coming out TV speakers always hurt my ears though. x_x

I'd buy this in a heartbeat if those old cartridge games weren't so damned expensive and unreliable. I think I'll stick to emulation, honestly.

Never had a Gameboy Advance Player for the Gamecube? :P GBA games are waaaaay better on a TV.

The act of the wedding itself is in no way frivolous. The lavish ceremonies that some people put on, however, are. My fiance and I are going to rent a wooden ship and invite close family and friends while we get married on Lake Huron. The whole thing will be live-streamed online for anyone who can't attend or isn't

For you, Ginja, I would buy the moon. :'D

Gonna post this before I read the article, but I wanna say up front:

You made the mistake of assuming Kotaku has journalistic integrity. :P

Ooh boy. Having worked at EB Games for years, I know exactly what happened: EA conned retailers into thinking it'd sell Halo numbers, and now everyone's got boxes full of a game no one is buying... Gotta love dumb retailers.

I sometimes complain that the poor here in Canada get pretty screwed, and while there is still room for improvement... Wow. Venezuela's got things way rougher than I did. True, some weeks we wouldn't have enough food... But we had a modest apartment, a barely-working car, and government infrastructure that has allowed

Yep. I have anger issues because I'm not a spoiled brat. Makes total sense to me.

Thanks a lot for the insight. I hope things improve in your country. Are people there allowed to speak out against the government without winding up dead?

That's because you're a spoiled, middle class layabout who's gotten everything he/she has ever wanted without being in a position to choose EITHER video games or food. If you can't tolerate piracy, you've never been in poverty. Period. Don't "liberal" me.

What's it like living in Venezuela? Are the people generally healthy and happy? I've always liked Venezuelan policy as a concept, but I have no idea how it affects the average person in practice. A Colombian friend once told me you guys are treated like slave labour and live in extreme poverty... But on the other

400 yuan =/= $400.

I got a good PC. Still don't know enough about the new consoles to want one, but I doubt I'll buy at launch regardless.

Every new thing I hear about this game just makes me want to buy it more.

Mike, I hope you get this, because I want you to know... I really, really enjoyed the writing you've done this weekend. It's well-written, relevant, and a positive departure from the crap I'm used to seeing on Kotaku lately. I hope you stick around!

"Modify your graphics stick and you should be good to graphics."

I bought Civ III Complete on Steam for $1.25... I have no fucking idea how to play it, or what's interesting about it.

One female-geared website is not a big deal. One female-geared website after a string of anti-male rants, on the other hand, is.