PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Arena not being at the bottom instantly means you're wrong. Daggerfall being at the bottom instantly means you're wrong. I think you just put the only two you actually played at the top because "why not".

Apparently Kotaku now knows more about mobile games than real ones.

Awesome! I may do just that then, if my current CPU starts crapping out. What do you suggest I do with the GPU? Is cross-firing two 6850's good enough? I know I can run stuff like Skyrim on medium settings, and I imagine crossfiring might bring a 70% improvement...

Football, much like grindy JRPGs, probably has the worst fans on the planet.

Do you know what would being an even better idea?

Hmm... Link works for me. Here's a direct link to the MOBO.

The is my rig:

I have this terrifying feeling that I may need to upgrade my PC. :P Maybe buy a second HD 6850 or something... Everything else (8GB RAM, AMD960T) should be sufficient... I hope.

Keep in mind that you'll have to re-download everything on your PS3. There's no practical way of transferring data between two consoles, as the PS3 automatically tires to format any new HDD that comes into the system.

>It was very similar to XII. Nothing like any other MMO.

Awesome, so you're a Nintendrone that doesn't understand the economics of inventory, but alright.

Yes, because I control the actions of my family and friends.

But they overproduced Epic Mickey 1. Like I said, when I worked at EB Games, we had tons of excess inventory. That's always a bad thing.

This is what happens when you release an ambitious game like Epic Mickey for a third-rate platform like the Wii. When I worked at EB Games, we were selling copies of Epic Mickey for $10... And everyone I knew was playing a pirated copy, because they didn't think a Wii game was worth real money. If it had been released

And that probably makes it better than WoW... But there's still that whole business about subscription fees and MMO gameplay.

It's an MMO. MMOs are boring-ass glorified chat rooms with subscription fees. Hence bad.

I prefer tiers.

I got a better case than that overpriced piece of shit for $5 on eBay... God almighty, anyone who buys that thing is either stupid or needs to consider charitable donations.

WOOHOO! Enough poking and prodding from HerpDerpDerp and other Kotaku users, and Kotaku finally does an article about this game. :D

You guys should have pulled a Randy Hahn: "342 Industries — or three hundred forty-two industries, as they prefer to be called."