PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Well I'm likely going to beat Resistance 3 and Mortal Kombat (story mode) before January is done, so I really ought to pick four games...

"Though it was widely-reported that Star Trek director J.J. Abrams would also go on to direct Star Wars: Episode VI."

Yes, because employing 200 people to buy a game for you is going to be so inexpensive. What planet are you from, boy?

Really seems that way, doesn't it?

Ahh, okay. I know the demo starts you with a handgun and gives you the shotgun soon after.

What the hell else am I supposed to base it on? Must be nice having Mommy and Daddy's money to throw at games that might wind up being good. This week's "asshole of the month" prize goes to you, retard.

I played the demo on 3DS and didn't see where the "If you liked the old Resident Evil games, you'll like this!" comes from. It's pretty much just RE4... And I hated RE4. When are the survival horror RE games coming back?

Right, and Namco wouldn't stop and think, "Hmm, 200 copies to one address is a little suspicious..."? It's not like robots arrange the shipment.

Why has Kotaku been snubbing Deadly Premonition so badly? There wasn't an article when the enhanced "Director's Cut" was announced, there wasn't an article when the trailer came out, there haven't been any articles on the numerous updates that both Rising Star Games and SWERY have been making on Twitter and, perhaps

Why has Kotaku been snubbing Deadly Premonition so badly? There wasn't an article when the enhanced "Director's Cut" was announced, there wasn't an article when the trailer came out, there haven't been any articles on the numerous updates that both Rising Star Games and SWERY have been making on Twitter and, perhaps

Why has Kotaku been snubbing Deadly Premonition so badly? There wasn't an article when the enhanced "Director's Cut" was announced, there wasn't an article when the trailer came out, there haven't been any articles on the numerous updates that both Rising Star Games and SWERY have been making on Twitter and, perhaps

Okay, massive complaint: Can you guys please do something this fucking "cancel" button on the posts? Nothing infuriates me more than typing a huge post, accidentally hitting "cancel" and then having it all erased. God fucking dammit. It JUST happened to me. Like... Program a warning "are you sure you want to cancel?"

Many commenters both on articles and TAY have been bemoaning both a drop in the quality of articles and a perceived increase in the number of "troll" and "burner" accounts. Has this been a complaint that Kotaku has received a lot of via e-mail and other feedback, or is this the first you're hearing of it.

No. Again, you're not getting it. A scalper buys something at regular price and sells it at an inflated rate, but that's just one guy that buys x number of copies. In this case, it seems that Namco actually communicated with them as a distributor and sold these copies at full price, knowing the price would be

It probably wasn't even Rockstar directly - it was probably their lawyers spouting bad words, hoping to get a lawsuit (and a big paycheque).

Disagree. The agreement was probably that PlayCanada purchased a full shipment at full MRSP and are charging their own profit on top of it. In other words, Namco makes the same profit and they don't give a fuck about the customer. Don't be mad at PlayCanada, be mad at Namco.

Well I'm guessing they bought them at full MSRP and are charging their own profit as the difference.

Of all the things to complain about, this is probably the least important.

PlayCanada is a retailer, not some neckbeard sitting in his basement. Learn to do your research, Kotaku.

I'm either confusing you for someone else or just happened to read just your two Valve posts. :P