PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Is every post you make about how much you hate Valve?

Where did I say that? All I said is that I'd be apathetic towards their deaths. It wouldn't affect me or anyone I know.

I've been asking "Why me?" all my life. I still have great apathy for the fate of the human race, however. If millions die, billions, I might give a shrug. We've really brought it upon ourselves.

The world's overpopulated, man. Those sorts of comments will become more and more common... And I don't disagree with apathy at the plight of those outside your own community.

Call me when your balls drop and real life smacks you in the head. Good day.

I work harder than you'll ever work, and that's a guarantee. Trouble is, I'm not so obsessed with greed - maybe it's because you have a tiny dick, but I reckon you feel some compulsion to be better than your neighbours. Faster car, hotter wife, bigger house... Whatever your "need" is, it only outs you as the pathetic,

Faux News*

I hate all billionaires you fucking cunt. People don't get rich through hard work and good luck, they get there by lying, cheating, stealing, and abusing every worker beneath them. Though you're likely American - brainwashed into that "American Dream" hogwash while you gorge on McDonald's.

I'm with you on that. The Koch brothers and other rich eleites are trying to turn the US into a slave nation.

Please. It's not just MSNBC - lots of left-learning internet media such as The Young Turks and The Huffington Post hate the Koch brothers just the same, and for good reason.

SMT has so many different subseries, all of them different. The mainline series is a traditional JRPG where you recruit demons by coaxing them to your side with money or promises of power. Digital Devil Saga takes place in a post-apocalypse setting, where your party members can transform into demons. Strange Journey

Welp, now I have a reason to maybe want the Wii U. Never woulda thought.

MFW $50

An American corporation stealing someone else's work without giving any credit? NEVER. It's not like it's actively encouraged by the virtual worship of famous IP thief Thomas Edison down there or anything.

It could just be that not as many women are taking game design at school. That should be the obvious answer. I'm in an engineering technology program, and in my final-year class of 45, there are 3 female students. That's it. It's not like the school is saying "no females allowed," it's that they just don't sign up for

Since when has the US government given a shit about what the people think?

Hasn't stopped every Aussie I know from patching the gore back in. :P

8/10, would bang.

Something like that. I hated that game though - for me, my positive opinion of the company goes back to the early 00's with FF10 and KH1.

Does anyone else remember when Square was good? I miss those days...