PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

But they already made one called this.

Quantity, sure. Quality... Not so much.

Manhunt is banned in Ontario? Bullshit. I still see it in EB Games stores.

She's going to have horrible back problems in 20 years.

I'd like to see an original story in the same universe. I'm not a diehard Star Wars fan - in fact, the only film I like in the franchise is the original 1977 one. It works well because it's a self-contained story that starts and finishes without a need for a sequel. It's a snapshop of the goings-on of a fictional

Well that looks just swell.

Mass Effect 3's ending? I hate them (and EA moreso) because Mass Effect 2 was awful. Completely ruined the amazing set-up of the first.

Yiff in hell, Ponyfags.

Five party, actually. Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Bloc and Green, all represented in Parliament right now.

I disagree with you, but alright.

Well he's right. Look at all the amazing games developed as Squaresoft - FFs 1-10 and Tactics, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Kingdom Hearts 1, Einhander, Secret of Mana, and many, many more. Enix had some good stuff too, like Terranigma and E.V.O. When they merged, however, the good games stopped. Aside from the adopted Eidos

Johnson wasn't on the ballot in SC.

Ahh. Your country has a stupid system.

He was on the ballot though, dude. On the bottom. Ross C. Anderson. Natural Law.

I hope Rocky Anderson wins.

It's the same on GameFAQs, interestingly. It seems no gamers like Romney.

It foreshadows it extremely well during the opening scene at the opera. The way they handled it was a little cliched.

Whenever I see the word "Curiosity", I assume it's the Mars probe.

I only said it because I knew it from the first ten minutes of the game.

So Desmond's dead. Who's the main guy in the next one gonna be?