PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

"Significantly?" 360 sold 67 million units worldwide where PS3 sold 63.9 million. That's a 9.53% difference - almost insignificant. Moreover, the failure rate on the 360 is significantly higher on 360 than on PS3, which inevitably means more defective consoles that need to be replaced. The PS3 is in more homes than

Piracy is amazing. Piracy is what prevents the industry from becoming something that appeals solely to the lowest common denominator.

Not even that. The PS3 is still awesome. The PS1, N64, SNES, Genesis, Gamecube, PS2, GBC and GBA were all amazing. So is PC. The 360 lags far behind all of these.

Yes man. MS points were the most common prize, but you could also win other downloadable goodies, including free games. It was what I'd always dreamed about when it came to online gaming, but alas, it did not last...

I'm still mad about them cutting 1 vs. 100. >:O That mass gameshow idea was amazing, and I really hope someone brings something similar back. I've been playing Buzz to compensate.

Sony's online service has zero problems. If you want to claim poor matchmaking, blame the publishers for making shit servers. As for the Wii, I don't even like the damn thing. But see, the PC has everything the 360 does, for free, and with many more features and much higher quality. The 360 is a piece of trash, and it

"Offers a service". HA. More like, "Makes you pay money for basic services every other game console gives for free."

I don't pay for it. I used to, then they started cutting everything.

So... Is 360 ever going to add features, or just keep taking them away? Sure, Americans get all kinds of goodies, but nowhere else in the world. What a sham of a company.

Make the next protagonist Agent Francis York Morgan.

"We shouldn't use the excuse that just because some women dress in a provocative manner means that calls for not looking at women as objects to be ogled and groped are ironic or invalid."

Certainly in the Kitchener area!

I thought they were cosplays. *shrug* Cosplays are usually worse for sexualizing women, though.

I'm positively delighted!

"Don't objectify us!"


Wow, the United States actually put someone in jail for not paying their workers? He must not have bribed enough people in public office.

Canada. We have things like universal healthcare, federal student loans and competent education. Oh, and a more diverse group of political parties - where the US has two far-right parties, we have a centre-left, a centre-right and a mid-right.

Take a chill pill? I know people living off $10 of groceries a week. For some spoiled twat to blow an extra grand for no goddamn reason, it just offends me.

Look up videos on how to build them? It's easier to put together than a Kinder Egg toy. It's infinitely easier than putting together Ikea furniture.