PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Oh, no, I'm actually fairly stable financially. I mean, I'm in school, and I'm surviving off loans, but I'll have enough money in my pocket to pay first and last rent and buy a cheap car. But you know what? I'm lucky. I live in a country where there are programs in place to give the poor a chance in life, unlike in

I know you said protip and all that, but you can build this cheaper, and you'd have to be a fat, lazy fuck to not do so. Sure, piss away an extra grand to get someone else to do it for you. Waste your money. Waste your fat-ass rich cunt money while people struggle to pay for rent and groceries.

I wasn't going for witty, but okay.

They still make sports games for PC? Last NHL game I seen on PC was NHL 09. D:

I bought the DOOM Complete Pack thingy on Steam when it was 75% off... Snagged the whole series for $7.50. Add custom mods, and voila.

No, I'm pretty sure it's a big truck.

LA Noire was an amazing game hindered by a wonky "interview" system that never seemed to work logically in any fashion. One day, I'll go back and play this game with a walkthrough... Get the experience the developers likely intended. :>

*looks at the main image*

Sonic has been awful ever since it left the Genesis. And it's a damn shame too, because the first five mainline Sonic games (1-3, CD, Knuckles) are all amazing games. 3D ruined Sonic.

>Bad new IPs

8 years old. Still older than the average GameFAQs forum regular.

By the sounds of things, they're turning Lara into a weird, fetishy male fantasy thing, where you want to protect the weak and vulnerable young Lara from people that want to rape her.

It's in this article.

I still can't get over how creepy the producer (or whatever) of this game is.

What defines adult? Copious amounts of sex and gore? An artistic edge? If that's the case, I disagree on all fronts. Excessive and inappropriate use of sex and gore are actually quite childish. Sex especially - I've covered this before in my posts, but gaming still lacks a mass-market gaming title that explores

I have my PC rigged up to my TV. I'll run PC games and emulators off it... I even have a PS3 controller connected via Bluetooth. But with the lure of save states and all that, it isn't quite the same.

PC is inherently better than consoles, unless the developer is lazy and does a lazy port. Between custom settings and specs, mods, a superior support community and ease of control, PC will always be better than consoles... For certain kinds of games. :P

Oh wow. My main is a Charr Engineer... I'm quite the rarity. XD

I have friends who are Bronies, and I would firebomb Fox News if it were legal to do so. It doesn't make the show any less juvenile. For every bit of adult humour it offers, it has 40 minutes of mind-numbing singing and dancing and stuff obviously designed to stop 4 year old girls from developing an urge to pursue a

You're not the only one. This is clearly a show designed for little girls, and the "trendy" adoption of the show by portly male shut-ins has been frightening.