PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

I'd move to the USA if your government wasn't corrupt, or if it weren't an international punchline.

I've downloaded proxy clients before, and they've completely wrecked my computer. Never again.

If I like viruses, sure.

Protip for Kotaku: Start posting videos that aren't region-restricted. That'd be swell. Thanks.

A multinational corporation with enormous profit margins stealing from others? Never! O:



I stand by my initial statement.

I don't disagree with you, although I'll say that, subjectively, I enjoyed KH1's methodical pace of gameplay to KH2's "mash triangle to win" fast-paced stuff.


John Romero wasn't hanged after Daikatana?

No escape from reality.

No, please, just kill the project. There is no way this game can possibly live up to the hype, and its fanbase has a reputation for being overly snooty!

Define "game". If you're referring strictly to gameplay, sure, I can grant you that, but the characters, locales (boring!), story, world stories (KH2 recycled Disney plots where KH1 did original plots set within Disney universes), and just about everything else was vastly inferior in KH2... Went from a gloomy story

But that's part of what makes it so great. The problem with KH2 and on is that it's TOO flashy - it lost all the subtlety that made the original such a masterpiece.

Kingdom Hearts 1: Still the only truly great Kingdom Hearts game.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not a novel guy. :P Don't have the time or the will to slog through 'em.

I think there's something wrong with me... Even though I have a backlog of about 200 games I haven't beaten, and no money to buy games, I still go deal hunting. Consumerism is an addiction, I swear... I shouldn't derive pleasure from spending money I don't have.

I'm new to PC gaming, that's correct, and I actually do own all of the games you listed (Atari released a really great D&D pack thingy that I couldn't resist)... However, having not growing up with them, the style of game feels clunky and overwhelming. I currently have a backlog of nearly 200 games, and I've sworn off

Do I get to kill members of the Tea Party and fix America before it retards itself? I'd enjoy that.