Oh, I thought Bioware made all those D&D games. O.o I guess that was just Baldur's Gate. Wasn't Obsidian the Fallout dev?
Oh, I thought Bioware made all those D&D games. O.o I guess that was just Baldur's Gate. Wasn't Obsidian the Fallout dev?
I never said they did, but thanks for playing.
Games like Dragon Age are exactly the sort of thing I'm complaining about...
Oh god, not another fantasy RPG...
Shut the fuck up. You know absolutely nothing about Macedonia.
Guess your mother never taught you how to detect tongue-in-cheek humour.
Me neither, although two of those things are an irreversible result of birth and one is mental sickness.
Know what I'd like to see? A contemporary fantasy game. Or something cyber-punk. Or maybe a time travel game on the same level as Chrono Trigger (hell, even Singularity). Or why not something like Jade Empire, but with Aztecs?
Greece is a dirty, disgusting, inhuman country though - they've illegally been in control of Macedonian territory since the modern version of the country was created. Kidnapping, torture and extortion are not above them, as they have proven throughout history.
Fiscal moderation would be a balance of socialism and capitalism - some government regulation of the markets, some protectionism of resources, and a tax system that is weighted heavier the more you make (but that still allows different financial classes), or the higher a company's profits are. The government role is…
Did you even read what I said? Your fiscal policies ARE far-right, by definition. I don't know what kind of emotional meaning you attach to that, but that's how it is. That doesn't make you an Ayn Rand worshipper or a wife-beating redneck, it means your fiscal policies are far-right. All that means is that you're…
:P But you can only vote for one. Unless you check all the boxes and draw a squirrel in the write-in section.
You're definitely a right-winger though, at least fiscally - fiscal right = free market, capitalism, all that. Socially, you're a Libertarian, which advocates small government and such. You are still a right-winger though, and your fiscal views aren't at all far from the Tea Party (which is sorta viewed as the…
If I were American, I'd be a Rocky Anderson man. :P
No on all of those things, but Gary Johnson is a Right-Libertarian where I'm a social democrat (which is a centre-left position). Johnson would be on board with Paul Ryan before he was on board with me, I assure you.
You're twisting my words - a hallmark of right-wingers everywhere.
Gary Johnson's views do not match mine in the slightest.
That sort of government isn't fictitious though: We have it in Canada. And it exists in other civilized nations as well - Finland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Australia, and many others.