PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

And I believe that anything that does not fall within the scope of logic is not worth worrying about, because there's absolutely no way of knowing if you're right and wrong. :P There are thousands of different religions, and they all expect their followers to accept that their view is the ONLY one that can properly

I think you have lost your way. Let me guide you to where you belong

Actually, I'm 22, and I didn't know that there was maturity in believing in things based solely on faith and the abandonment of reason. Of course people are free to believe whatever they want, but that doesn't make them right. Some people believe the Earth is flat, even today... But that doesn't change the fact that

Not at all. They believe in things that have been proven, beyond a question of a doubt, to be absolutely false. That's lacking in sense and reason, hence nonsense. Nothing bigoted about it.

Well I'm not part of any religion myself, to clarify, but the friends of mine who self-identify as "Christian" do so because because they were raised as a Christian, if for no other reason. They believe in a god, the rebirth of Jesus (but not always in the literal sense) and they often believe in Christian morals

That's fantastic! Women's hockey is becoming more and more relevant in Canadian culture, and it's good to see that video games are following suit. I know Wickenheiser played for a team in the Swedish Elite League for a spell, and I remember wondering how long it'd be before a woman was allowed in the NHL. :P I hope I

Religious people don't exactly have the best history of compassion or tolerance.

Who says it has to have a monthly fee? Just look at Guild Wars 2.

You can believe whatever you like, no matter how wrong it is, but you're not allowed to force it down everyone else's throat when you reach public office.

There's a difference between being religious and being a creationist. 46% on Americans are CREATIONIST, like, believe the literal interpretation of the bible. I don't know many people here, even Christians, that believe that. The Christian fundamentalist movement is one seen almost exclusively in the US.

There's a difference between being religious and being a creationist. 46% on Americans are CREATIONIST, like, believe the literal interpretation of the bible. I don't know many people here, even Christians, that believe that. The Christian fundamentalist movement is one seen almost exclusively in the US.

Nothing ignorant or bigoted about that. That's an accurate statistic. 46% of the US population believes in nonsense.

I'm referring to the main Pokemon series. Obviously, Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Stadium are different games than Pokemon Red, but my point was more than there's been extremely limited change between Pokemon Red and Pokemon White.

Pff. Not true at all. There's like, 500 Pokemon to collect. If you took out the breeding thing, for example, I mean, you'd have to spend DAYS trying to catch a Pokemon with the perfect nature and shit. And I mean, I'm sure there'd be incentive to play as either a collector OR a battler. It can be a lot more diverse

I'm Canadian, and I share a border with a country where 46% of its population believes a magical sky wizard poofed everything in existence less than 10,000 years ago. I have reason to doubt their sanity and ability to make good decisions.

One religious extremist state asks another religious extremist state to release a political prisoner. Cute. <3

It's fine to keep the core idea in tact, but there's a million ways you could go about doing it. I mean, imagine an MMO, where you run into other online trainers and have battles like in Pokemon Stadium, with full animation, more realistic roars and much better presentation overall. That's an easy way to innovate.

Uh... What? I love Nintendo, at least the Nintendo I grew up with. I love the SNES, N64 and Gamecube. I really do. They're probably on my top 7 systems ever list... But the Wii sucked. The DS was alright, but I'm not a big fan of handhelds. I've also been a Pokemon fan since the originals came out in '98... But I'm

Or I could just pirate them and not watch the ads - although these games are so bad I wouldn't even want to pirate them. OR. Get this... I could play games I already OWN instead of watching ads to play games I don't.

Black and White are still essentially the same game as Red and Blue, just more convoluted and less fun.