PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Yes I have.

Well that's good. They've been re-releasing the same game for nearly 20 years now, so some diversity is welcome.

Y'know, I was never crazy about the mainline SMT series. I feel like it's really lacking in narrative and, with the series' big difficulty spikes, it makes them hard to focus on and play though. I LOVE Digital Devil Saga, and the Persona and Devil Summoner games were a real treat, though.

"Tide goes in, tide goes out, you just can't explain that."

There is no book burning, only Zuul.

Yep. It's gotten really, really bad. The executives of this company probably go to board meetings dressed like Darth Sidious.

Bill O'Reilly is a complete and utter moron, peddling a brand of politics and religion that nobody with half a brain or any modicum of goodwill agrees with. Just thought I'd mention that.

I always offered the guarantee, because a lot of people actually liked and utilized them. I remember we had a 36-year-old security guard has a regular customer in our store, and he always asked for them because, in his words, he was "too much of a fat fuck to be assed to put games in their cases". XD But I found they


No, it's more like the standard brony bullshit I see on other websites, and it's irritating as fuck: "HEY LOOK. I'M A BRONY. LOOK AT ME. WEE-WOO WEE-WOO! LOOK, HERE'S ALL YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS AS PONIES, LARF LARF LARF. ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO ME YET? PLEASE, SOMEBODY LOVE ME!!!! PONIES!"

How long before the government bail-out package?

You could stop looking at kiddie porn.

Right back at you.

Because you fell in love with him that day~

Things and Birdemic are worth your time.

Because it was the only part I had a comment to respond with.

Is that Tommy Wiseau?

One is too many. The Bronies should be banned from existence.

Kinda hard though, when 95% of the customers are soccer moms and bros who do everything in their power to make you feel stupid and worthless.

PC does compete with PS360. I have two multiplatform games I'm getting on the horizon: AC3 and Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock, I've decided is a PC title, but AC3? With Ubisoft's stone-age DRM, I might have to get it on PS3.