PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

I'm kind of on the same page, and I also used to work there - for 3.5 years. I mean, for one thing, I just don't buy games nearly as much... As the backlog I posted on TAY indicates, I have no need to. :P But the games I DO buy are almost always cheaper online. If I want a current-gen game, I can probably get it on

No, because these "new" (as of 2004) action shooters are junk... Don't even hold a candle to the old style.

The Wii U is a whole new console, but the 1P controller is a tablet. The rest use Wiimotes.

I didn't do anything of the sort. All I said was that I didn't like the Wii and that I don't want a WiiU. Opinions.

Fahey. Stop your brony bullshit. Grow up and get a real hobby, you creep weirdo. Stop fantasizing about little girl ponies.

Why would I be mad? I'm perfectly content with my PC, PS3, Wii (for emulators and GC games) and selection of older gaming consoles and handhelds.

Honestly, I think even the Nintendo fanboys understand that the Wii was pretty terrible. I love the SNES, N64 and Gamecube, but the Wii, I mean... Who could possibly argue it sits on par with any major console of the last 3 generations?

I'd pay $50 for one, and not a penny higher! :D

Still don't want a Wii U. Who's with me?!

I'd love to see a return to form for the RE franchise... No more of this Gears of War third person shooter crap, go back to the survival horror series it once was!

I just don't know that I like MMOs. If Ocarina of Time is a premium alfredo sauce, MMOs are that same sauce watered down to such an extent that it doesn't taste like anything.

Part of me parts Guild Wars 2, but most of me knows it's going to be a grind fest. I'm at that stage in my life where I want to replay all of the games of my teenaged years, not buy new ones. :P

Actually, dinosaurs are still around, even. Birds are dinosaurs. :D

MMO? Fun? What is this, an oxymoron contest? :D

Uh... What? I do work, and damn hard. I pay my taxes, I pay my bills, and I earn every damn penny I have. These millionaires and billionaires haven't EARNED their shit - they've cheated and stole their way into it. You don't get that rich without breaking the backs of several hundred or thousand people beneath you.

Better in the sense that my computer can make it look significantly better than the PS3 is physically capable of.

But the PC version is better and has mods. :P

Actually, funny thing, I recently attended a nerd convention where one of my favourite web series' hosts and creators were at, and I bought one of everything they offered (a whopping $30 total) just to support their stuff, because it's kept me so entertained. So I can understand that logic. I've bough gold for Tribes:

Consoles dying out? Just wishful thinking on the part of filthy-rich industrialists. If they can save that $1 per unit and still charge $60 (or more), they make more and more money at the expense of thousands of jobs. Just the way they like it!

I didn't buy Just Cause 2 during the Steam Summer Sale, but I've heard so much good about it since that I just can't resist. :P