PyramidHeadcrab Zamboni

Well, everything I've heard on YouTube sounds exactly the same as on my ROM, so your point there is kinda of invalid. The graphics are really primitive compared to most of the SNES's library. Also, the fans of a thing can easily ruin a thing... Just look at Star Wars, My Little Pony and Call of Duty...

AMERICA, FUCK YEAH. (If you're rich).

I'm... Done with Star Wars culture. I think it's time for the series to die. I'm not a diehard fan - in fact, the only movie in the series I like is the original 1977 one. But this is a franchise that, without coming up with any new ideas since the original trilogy came out, keeps making a retarded amount of money.

Honestly, I have no fucking clue. XD But as far as I've learned over the years, in Canadian English, cue refers exclusively to terminology in billiards, and all other uses use "queue". But I have no clue if that's really the case or not.

The sound effects and music in Earthbound were primitive and not-good. Sounded like a jumble of sounds made some time between the NES and SNES.

I didn't even want that post to be featured on the main page, and I've always been an opponent of the old, elitist system we had before Kinja. Kinja had its flaws, but it really cleaned up the commenting. This new system is a refinement of Kinja, and one I think is positive. The best organisms got where they are

Just so you know, you CAN haggle the person at the cash for a 10% discount on boxless items, but it doesn't stack with the Edge discount. It's really stupid. Like, we take $3 off the trade credit for a boxless game, but the price stays the same? Bullshit. I hate that company in a lot of ways. XD

The Lion King had a lot of death, destruction and starvation too. Are you going to tell me it's intended for an adult audience?

One of the things I've seen consistently complained about in TAY and other places is the problem that posting a response - even if you have something to say - is almost irrelevant, because whoever steals the spotlight in the first 10 minutes keeps it forever.

Queue butthurt bitchfest in 3... 2... Wait... It's already begun! Noooooooooooo!


"No Box? Half Price!"

I mean, I complain about shit too, but the way some of these people act, you'd think they were paying a subscription fee to view Kotaku or something.

I think it's pretty amazing that you guys have to fight with users to justify the content you post sometimes.

Terranigma was awesome! :D How far did you get into it? Because it definitely has a lull at the beginning.

Eh. I quite like TAY. How often are you on there? But yeah, I agree with the quality of Kotaku's writing... They're great around busy season, like E3 and shit, but when things are slow, it gets balls-out crazy.

Kotaku's a funny place. Part of me thinks Jezebel has taken over, and is forcing the site into oblivion because we always made them play as Dixie in DKC2.

Don't label me.

I'll just leave this here...

I didn't know about it until I saw it for $90 at an outdoor flea market, right around the time Kingdom Hearts came out. I know I was really into Final Fantasy back then. XD I don't think I actually PLAYED it until like, 2007 or 2008. And I've tried to sit down and get hooked three times, and I just can't get into it.