Bigger Putz


+1 glider assault

I haven’t seen a Frenchman get flanked like that since 1940

He really dinged the donger

Dogs are the best. Always insanely considerate to clean up their own vomit. No kid’s gonna do that for you!

I’m laughing and choking at the same time.

If you eat enough mushrooms before boarding, yes. Exactly like this.

It reminds me of that year I had when I was playing softball—started on a fucking tear, then hit an 0-23 slump where I couldn’t pay for a hit if I wanted to. I reworked my swing, and by that, I mean that I stopped drinking so much before and during the game.

As someone who started following the Nats when they got Scherzer I can honestly say this is on par with Joey Votto’s horrible spring in 2016. I hope he hits .300 this year, but I think even that is a stretch. Considering he’s batting .420 right now think about how awful he’s going to have to be to drop that average

Serious question, who gives a shit?

Boy would it be nice if we civilian off-road enthusiasts had access to such machinery—it would make our mud-pit extraction operations a heck of a lot more interesting.

He’s so Southwest Suburbs it hurts.

I honestly wish there wasn’t this much source material.

“Come to Waffle House! No need to worry about a lawsuit when you spread these legs against their will!”

J.J. Abrams always forgives but lens flares are serious business and not to be joked about.

You just offended J.J. Abrams

“Why is it always the people with shitty cars that try and show out? No one gives a fuck about your 10-year-old V6 charger, I promise.”

All three better than Jerian Grant.

What is this? A third row for ants?!!