Bigger Putz

In the “shut up about defense” post I mentioned my belief that some teams get high seeds because they’re so good that they can play well below their ceiling, particularly in terms of defensive focus, and still beat most people on most nights, and other teams get high seeds because they’re always going full out. In the

“These people have awful names.”

It was sold out and I’ve heard they’ve sold a ton of season tickets. They’re playing at Georgia Tech’s Bobby Dodd until the Falcons stadium is done in like August I think.

If we’re being pedantic, the plural is actually Liams Neeson.

2017 NFL Draft Coin Toss Runner-Up Banner will debut during the Colts first home game this season.

I’m surprised he can’t fathom how someone unqualified could get a job considering he’s had his own show for 10 years

LeBron adapts.

If I’m in the right lane on this long off-ramp, it never fails to see someone do this. I thoroughly enjoy fucking with their heads for my personal amusement and to teach them a lesson.

I took justice into my own hands one time with a douchebro in a WRX in a similar situation.

It’s sort of like saying Cat Dennings’ boobs are too big for a string bikini, you’ll just never know for sure until you actually try it.


So you’re saying Uranus is not capable of supporting human life?

No! It’s bad, actually. Indiana and Michigan State fell off a cliff; Northwestern is a feel-good story, but it just lost to Illinois, again; Michigan will probably make the tournament and get torched on defense; and Wisconsin and Maryland have great records, but neither have any truly impressive wins against

Unless you need to bring 3 sleds it really is. The short box makes no sense if your going to haul though.

Most of the good (riding) mountain passes have light trailer restrictions. This way you can bring a friend.

Hey, they already got rid of Byron Scott.

When is the Deadcast coming back? Any ideas?


Are you really surprised? Capitalism isn’t Nice. They won’t give you anything they don’t have to, and they’ll take everything they can from you. this is what makes a successful business. the Only reason they offer these incentives is because of the kickbacks they get from tax breaks through “charity”. by the way,

“The year before that they was wearing trash bags”