Bigger Putz

Don’t you have a nazi in the white house?

Another dimension? Another dimension.

“I clicked on this article, on a dedicated sub-blog, and scrolled down to the comments section to make a complaint about not liking what I chose to see.”

FBI Director Comey knew about the contacts between the Trump team and Russian intelligence when he made his statements about Clinton’s email days before the election. Think about that.

Here is a picture of a car:

Well spaced, and as a result it will work wonders.

Hey Snowflake, why don’t you chill the fu...
I see what you did there...
Reading comprehension. I’m not far right. I can do this, it’s longer than a Tweet, this means it’s satire...
Well done, well done :)

I like your name. And although you might have come up slightly short, I appreciate your effort at humor.

Sarcasm doesn’t work on the internet. You should’ve known better.

Look at the last line of my quote ;)

That’s not a Tu-95 flying over head it’s just OP’s post.

The adrenaline is still pumping over the whole airplane in the guy’s front yard thing.

Jeez, a lot of people seem to have missed your point.

It’s cool how no one is reading to the bottom of your post.

He’s just trolling...

OK, so I’m not the only one who immediately thought this was about Black Lives Matter.

Is Trump complete garbage at golf? I bet he is, and I bet he mulligans 6 times a hole and says he got a birdie. Can we please get a report about how shit he is at golf?

Trump is researching the future of Mustangs. There is some hope - I believe the following statement referred to the drivers.

I’ve had someone try to hop into my Mustang a couple times now, which is a coupe, which is not allowed as an Uber. I lock my doors in Lakeview/Lincoln Park now.

For the record, tamales for breakfast is great breakfast.