“You aren’t going to get what you put into it” aside, I feel like there are a lot better options out there for $50k.
“You aren’t going to get what you put into it” aside, I feel like there are a lot better options out there for $50k.
I didn’t know Gwyneth Paltrow’s website sponsored a race truck.
They can draft him and potentially have a starting “Foreign 5", which is ironic, because that’s also the same number of wins they’ll probably have.
What’s Mississippi like? It seems pretty awful, no offense to you fine sir...
My buddy went to go get his license at the DMV when he turned 16. During the driving test - which was just a short drive through the strip mall parking lot where the DMV was located, and then parallel parking in between some cones - he came to a stop sign, made a complete stop, looked both ways, made sure the coast…
In-N-Out is good for the novelty of the place - obviously, if you’ve never been I’d recommend checking it out just to say you’ve been - but the food there is ok to bad.
Fuck, marry, kill, 2017/18 NBA preseason edition: Bulls, Nets, Knicks
I don’t have anything snarky to add here - seriously Dave Portnoy, you can fuck right off. Honestly, if that’s how you feel, I hope everything bad in life happens to you and only you. Get fucked.
That’s the second image that comes up if you google his name... sometimes I love the internet.
Real Americans stand for the anthem, sit on the flag, and...is he drinking his beer through a straw?
Even after all that, Darko could only grab 9 minutes of playing time off the bench! Jesus, he was terrible...
“Oh wow, really? OK then...”
Here is an accurate breakdown of every Cubs postseason game this year:
It knows what it did...
What if we just shot Jerry Jones into the sun on a rocket?
Why do people freak out over Yeti stuff? I don’t get it.
Why do people freak out over Yeti stuff? I don’t get it.