Bigger Putz

“I hope both teams just go out there and have fun.”

Is Indycar a Chevy/Honda only thing? I just assumed there were more manufacturers involved than just the 2.

I mean, the artist and the museum both seem very aware of people’s objections to the piece once it was brought to their attention, and gave measured and rational explanations as to why it was created and housed at the museum. Then they took it down without issue when there was public outcry against it, apologized for

2 things:

Dude, I can relate - one time after I lost a soccer game as a kid my mom took me to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard instead of out for pizza like she said she would. AYSO is no joke, man...

According to a family member who works for MLB, every strike zone tracker is pretty much garbage (his words) because they don’t take into account different players’ heights - its usually (I haven’t looked at every strike zone tracker out there to debate this with him) just the same zone over the plate for every single

Nothing would make me happier than either of the following:

During swim season I would regularly eat an entire large deep dish pizza once I got home from practice - this was the only time in my entire life that I had abs.

The White Sox should have no other uniforms except for those uniforms and the shorts ones. So it hath been decreed.

I know there have been crack-ier cars on here, but for some reason this really struck a note with me. 25 grand.... for that? I don’t... I mean... wut?

Does anyone else see the similarities between these stadium deals and the general strategy of the GOP...? Ya know, fleecing taxpayers to put something in place that no one really wants or, frankly, needs, for the benefit of a rich white dude at the expense of everyone else?

He looks like he’s auditioning for a Blade reboot.

Looks like we got ourselves some good ole fashioned baseball Bulgogi here.

I am, and have always been, very tall. Back in middle school my parents were looking for a replacement for our old Plymouth Voyager and brought me along to the dealership. Sitting in the showroom was a squeaky clean, brand spanking new Miata. The salesperson noticed me checking it out and, very nicely, told me that

The opportunity to prove someone wrong on the internet was too tempting... I jumped the gun. M’bad.

Who shit in this guy’s Tim Horton’s?

Isn’t Ottawa in Ontario?

It takes the sting off when you realize that Cobb County just had $400+ million laying around, so this really wasn’t a big deal. I mean, what were they going to spend it on? Schools and infrastructure? Pfftttt... fuck that - give me some mediocre baseball, that’s what the people want.

If your dog’s pupils look different or don’t appear to dilate, or if he has trouble standing, walking or holding his balance, he may have a concussion. Lethargy, disorientation, paralysis, falling down, seizures and vomiting are some additional signs of head injury that can be signs of other serious physical disorders

Fuck it, who cares if its novelty? That’s a cool thing they got there in Nashville, more power to ‘em.