Bigger Putz

Hold up - you can buy a Rogue with 3 rows of seating? How is that even possible? Is the back row only for child amputees?

This is just.. I mean... why?

Hell, that’s how Trump got elected...

Bumperstickers - anytime I see a rolling InfoWars billboard (which is satire, if you haven’t heard the news), or a fist gen Ford Taurus aggressively reminding me to find Jesus I try to stay clear.

I’m not sure what team you were looking at in 2016, but this team was the AFC South’s second runner-up... didn’t you see the banner?


I hope I’m wrong, but the rational part of my brain is saying that this series is pretty much over.

Trade him to Houston, put Harden back at the 2, and only schedule games against Golden State for the whole season.

And if maturity means being outscored 6-0 after two games as a 1 seed, then you are the Blackhawks.

Spike ball is fantastic - v good lawn game

Cornhole, aka Bags... this:

Is there a legal definition of “game used”? I don’t care about Eli one way or another, I just wonder if the term “game used” has any requirements past the obvious?

I have never been to a Sky game, but a couple friends of mine have (had? this was a while ago) season tickets and said that the games were actually a blast. I was totally willing to check out a wnba game, but now it sounds like the team kind of stinks so now I’m not sure I want to schlep out to the Allstate to catch

Right, so its basically just pool? Got it.

Alex Mack plays for the Falcons...

True, I’ll give you Thomas. The close proximity of Brady Quinn obscured him. That’s on me.

I kept thinking I’d see a name on there and be like “ok, they aren’t all bad...”

See: Papelbon, Jonathan. “Bryce Harper and the Unwritten Rules”. Washington Nationals, 2015.

So when the Chief Wahoo logo doesn’t get used anymore, and the team continues to operate per usual... then what? Does Cleveland’s entire population of Angry Dads and Drunk Uncles just explode? How does that work?

Wasn’t this a big hit in Chicago? Why did they move it? We didn’t have to close streets or anything, seemed like it was a great fit...