Do you guys find the uniform designs in the Olympics interesting at all? Watching that USA-Spain game looked like watching a real basketball team playing a rec-league team that spent up on for the premium jerseys.
Do you guys find the uniform designs in the Olympics interesting at all? Watching that USA-Spain game looked like watching a real basketball team playing a rec-league team that spent up on for the premium jerseys.
Which pizza style is the best pizza style?
It don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that ring...
Growing up in Chicago during the heyday of the Michael Jordan led Bulls, I will never forget watching MJ, Pip, and Rodham taking the court.
Well, at least the ghost of Bartman isn’t interfering with live balls anymore... that guy’s dead, right?
Also, sorry to shit in your sundae, but Indiana is the Mississippi of the North (for the record, Ohio is the Alabama - better football team).
So you guys are self-promoting the fact that you donated $84 total to three organizations... Good job?
Illinois isn’t backwards and racist, we’re corrupt and broke...
Ah yes - thank you for that sir
wait, what car is that?
Someone should ask this guy about his thoughts on Ferguson...
I feel like this entire team, coaching staff included, is ripe for a good ole fashioned Nigerian Prince scheme...
Excellent point.
Speaking of hot takes: In-N-Out is not good. Give me some Culver’s any day over that overrated California bullshit. Why is Thousand Island Dressing a secret..?
I should not be able to tell that you’re 23 by reading an email you just sent me.
“We built it because no one would ever use that much HP ever because how would that even work on a public road...?”
Finally, I can use my Zune!