Djokovic was on a roaster, he withdrew due to injury
Djokovic was on a roaster, he withdrew due to injury
Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia
Like most cats, when signaling submission, Bangles show their ass.
I’m not sure if it’s the #30 or the #55, but I’m sure one of those two cars is driven by M. Rossi*
These guys fight with the skill and grace of three sleepy manatee trying to fuck a beach ball.
Also, fuck them fonts... all 39 of them.
The whole ticker is ugly. The font is trash, the whole thing looks italic for no reason, and the fake bezel on the logos is like Bad Photoshop 101.
If you are that concerned with safety, don’t have fireworks or football at all.
They should have told the Kent State administration to fuck off and kept playing. I mean, what are they gonna do about it, call in the National Guard?
This is why I ref 10 and under at my local Y. Ejections. Nothing, absolutely nothing, feels like ejecting the little punk when he looks at you wrong. Raise an eyebrow, you’re gone son. Dad screaming bloody murder from the sideline, take a walk kid. Someone has got to teach these kids a lesson. Sometimes life is cruel,…
Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.
Breaking news: Foles unable to throw football with third arm
It’s surreal. The Raiders got literally nothing for 2 picks.
So he wanted to go to the Patriots because they are good and it would burn the Steelers, the Steelers said no, Rosenhaus is his agent, he has a series of bizarre issues that culminate in a demand to be cut, he gets cut, a camera crew following him around happens to catch him finding out and he starts cheering and…
Here are all the countries that begin and end with the letter “A”: Australia, Austria, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, and Armenia
The fact that the Patriots getting Antonia Brown from Steelers ended up costing a third and a fifth round pick... from Raiders who got nothing in the end continues to both baffle me and be utterly hilarious.
Everyone involved in this saga on both the Steelers and the Raiders feels like a character in a Christopher Guest movie.
What’s even better is those rappers usually go out in groups for the tours- I saw Too Short, Paperboy, Genuine and a couple others for $10 at a local bar.
Be a good person. The bar is set really fucking low.
I did not learn to properly use a Kleenex until I was thirteen.