Your sports talk radio show is Sleazy and Junk on 590, The Sports Carnage.
Your sports talk radio show is Sleazy and Junk on 590, The Sports Carnage.
I’m digging Elizabeth Warren’s new ‘do.
The only response to such a question is: “Your mom.”
It’s only a matter of time until some random adult shows up at a school playground, his phone held out in front of him, and is forced to explain to police that he is simply trying to upgrade his Pocket Monster.
Has to be Loria because he’s run TWO teams into the ground and ruined baseball for both Montreal and Miami. For an encore, he broke the news of Ali’s death during a Marlins game. That’s right. When The Greatest of All Time died, Loria was there to comment, “First!”
Regarding the Wall and White Walkers, I expect with the arrival of winter they will just walk around it on the ice.
RIP Gerald Ford. And Dana Carvey.
I guess plunging your country into financial crisis is one way to get your bribe money back.
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It’s difficult to read some of the comments in the aftermath of an event like this. Pepole want to use this as an example of our gun problem, our religion problem, our security problem, or our bigotry problem. But we need to strip away those issues. The common denominators are fear and lack of understanding.
My hourly rate is very reasonable.
He can join Antonio Cromartie as yet another NFL corner who wishes he was firing blanks.
I fucking hate bullies.
And did those saved funds go towards productive educational causes as Daniel suggested? No. They were diverted to provide cop cars with MOAR STICKERS!
I have my tribute to Loria ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Newt Gingrich will be his Veep.
And of course, he should first change his name from Klay to Clay so my spelling error is erased.
Clay Thompson should change his name to Trey Thompson, his number to 3, and his return address on all outgoing mail to simply “Downtown”.
The gardenia candles, organic pb&j, and Secret clinched it. Luda is wooing my mother.