
A face so very tremendously punchable.

Deja’s on a roll. Let he go. He ain’t goin’ nowhere.

Rants are so charming.

We should only mock speech impediments when possessed by bitchy little white supremacists who despite the impediment and whiny “argument” was essentially being ignored by adults in the room. What a douche.

Out of context, I know. But. Do any photos of her exist wherein she is not shilling some bullshit knock-it-out-in-three-days book? She is utterly vile. Even Cornell Republicans are revolted by her:

It all happened at about a blink of an eye past 1000 years ago. According to a book I once never read.

Thus the Soultrean and clovis point hypotheses were right on the money all along.

We can only assume Paulie’s weight had something - something - to do with the new North Woods Ntl. Mon. The place LePage detests. With a Tea Party incendiary temper. He wanted the land preserved for muddin’, boozin’, and huntin’. And for the paper industry too. Which of course, essentially no longer exists in the

Ryan Zinke is a sane and strong man. Loves the outdoors too. Adores the American West.

In no meaningful way. It effected many others. They got killed. By the tens of thousands.

Many utterly “concerned” citizens said the same about Iraq. And decided, “Oh well.”

Your balls should be in the military. They’re what we need at this crucial time in world history.

Donald will blow a gasket when he finds out those who love Nature are Communists.

Don’t forget The Family. Especially the unelected ones.

AS he continues to read each and every post in Kinja Land........just to suffer the outrage.

I laughed ‘til I peed.

Too bad. With that 1.2 million, he could have shacked up with Marla Maples in a Sugar Islands resort. Would have been sweet, but that dream sort of went up in a cloud of steam and evaporated.