
Agree. But at least they will be very patriotic ads selected by the most patriotic ISPs (both of them) for the most patriotic of causes, that being lining the pockets of the most patriotic of all Americans.

Observed in active wide stance while in a Reagan-National men’s room?

Now playing

And this is the more soothing evening song long version.

Now playing

That music is crap. I wake to this each fine morning. Better than a bowl of Cocoa Puffs.

Word has it Buzzfeed is about to out his boyfriend. Or something like that.

Filmed in Mexico. :)

Now playing

There were B-25s in The War. And many fought in the Real War.

The search is right here:

Speaking of major, Major Major Major Major also was rated to fly a B-25.

Spokespersons reported Ivanka was jinping for joy at the news.

I need a simpler version. It’s about being an asshole.

Donald is Inchon for war on the Korean peninsula.

C4 - Miss
I10 - Miss
G7 - Hit
B8 - Miss
J1 - Hit
Donald Trump. Commandant of Earth, Sky, and Sea. Order of Battle. Battle of Mar a Lago Bathtub. 2017.

Put a wig on it and this dude is hot. Super hot.

Desert Black armor. Very concealing against the buff and sand of the dry lands. And those lime green wheels should be standard on all models. Fetching.

She might enjoy the tickle of the whip. You never know with some people.

This slander is not true. She comes from the best family with the smartest brains, smartest genes, and the smartest wardrobes. Please stop harassing the most beautiful and very tremendously brilliant Ivanka.

Arne tried too. He failed.

Arne tried too. He failed.

Any time.