
I win.

“Oklahoma Republican state senator”

Your articles are fabulous. Excellent composition too. Please do write more. And more. We enjoy. But your Corvette really should be red. They go faster.

Heading to the Great State of Schleswig-Holstein to talk with the volk about JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Big progress being made as the Der Stürmer is reporting.

Play acting Seal Team hero pulls trigger. Blows dick off. Non-Nazi America celebrates.

In the olden days. Daily Trumpet-Examiner. Headline.

“For some reason, this issue of climate change has emerged as a paramount issue for the alt right who must as a result fuck over socialist lefties everywhere. And hey, science? Fuck you too!”

My Fiat 128 (1976) station wagon engine bay looked like this.

I also find it funny how many people take the time to comment multiple times to my comments.

Is that a cow chip on your shoulder? CNN and BBC probably are sick of ya too. 

Give it up bud. They hate you here.

Malden is in greater Boston. Only one town (Everette) away. Enough said.

Are you paying money to be here? If yes, someone is ripping you off. Worried.

Sort of like those guys who get on The Guardian and WaPo without buying a subscription but bellyache like hell because the liberal articles suck. Those kind of guys.

It’s done on computers and other remote electronic devices? Just guessing.

I agree. I want to read about technology. Say about the latest advancements in pumpkin colored facial cake production and application. And preservation advancements in meats that won’t sell, say, steaks. Those juicy Trump kind. Things like that.
