
Er. You published this twice. In the mean time, the kettle accuses the pot of being black.

Well, pardon my keyboard. Kudos for your super ego too. :)

Ray Avogadro is working up the numbers right now.

I get in an excited state when my turbo output falls to absolute zero. Especially at Laguna Seca.

I’ve given up on NASCAR. Now excitedly following Empirical Formula instead. It’s really big in Europe.

He is the Perfect Scientist! The new Trumpian Man.


Not necessary. He stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Well, shut my mouth. The gall of some people.

Stuff like Hot Dog Mortality as Influenced by Ketchup Without Mustard Accompaniment? Or Regression Analysis of Counting Sheep on Overcast Nights and No Blankie - An Improved Methodology?

I have a Ph.D. in a science. Published too. So you do climatological work? Good for you. Must be great to be an atmospheric scientist. But sad because you must be surrounded by fraud. You should report all this fakery to the journals they publish in and departments of those quacks who predict all this nonsensical

Canadians, Mexicans, French, Brits, Swedes, etc. All the same. Right?

Hannity. Always the aggressive pseudo intellectual. Peel the facade and the asshole appears. That’s sad, Sean. That’s sad. 

We may assume the wedding was a commercial success.

Ya. Lots of wide stances in the GOP cloakroom’s water closet. Bet on it.

Ah, the Watergate investigation was a bit after the JFK thingy. And Watergate made believers out of doubters.

Watergate played out for about two years. The results were quite effective. So there you go.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said, “I will not sugarcoat this, this is a disappointing day for us. My ass was handed to me in a sling. But my ass’s poor performance can be blamed on Democrats. They refused to let us win. This unreasonableness will not go unpunished. Pelosi on a spit would be fine with me.”

The Revenge Tour begins at 3:10 AM. Sharp.