

Was the dude a nail biter when young and wrinkle free? Man, those nails are short. And ugly.

Cadaver white. Hoping.

No. Not much. All quite similar. They suck.

Might someone please, please dig up some good dirt on Hannity? Say.....he is an atheist. He had an abortion. Or he fucked O’Riley’s wife in O’Riley’s house before the divorce. Things like that. Please?

Jesus is not welcome at my Apocalypse.

Can we get off this shit and get back to reality. The Kardashians are withering in the California sun. More love for them please.

Would a salami on white be appropriate at the Apocalypse? Mustard or mayonnaise?

It happens.

Bingo. Disappear. Or else.

In the end, reactionary, evangelical GOPers are only trying to make us more free. Promoting neighborliness. Encouraging freedom. Those freedoms the Republican party loves. Not those freedoms you and I take for granted. And have lived by for many a year. Those freedoms are now becoming illegal. Which will make

News Flash (Daily News). New species of insect found in dark recesses of Trump Tower - Microfono obamaensis. CUNY entomologists are astounded by the find. “The place is crawling with them,” declared Professor Harold Thorax. “I don’t know how the “president” sleeps at night. This many bugs would make me paranoid and

Obama bugged my refrigerator.

The Neo-Confederacy is rising again. Into the top twenty.

Now playing

Er....she might get a slap beside the head?

Is that a bull ring? Say down Mexico way?

Duct tape? Silver or assorted rainbow pack?

The walrus and associated blubber reside beneath the tent suits. He is huge...as in fat.

MAC and football.